
Where Should We Draw the Line for Banning Hackers

Submitted by LordofLightning, , Thread ID: 88234

Thread Closed
11-05-2018, 11:55 PM
This post was last modified: 12-05-2018, 12:02 AM by LordofLightning
Hey guys,

I'm the owner of an upcoming MMORPG server called Quest Universe, and I've been thinking a lot about hackers, and I'm not sure where to draw the line. I've noticed that some people who hack don't really fit a typical Minecraft hacker description, there are people who might fly around in the lobby but not actually use any other hacks, some people use animated skins and sneak around spawn, but don't use their hacks against mobs and other players. A few even mess around with Killaura in the lobby and spawn but don't actually use it in a situation that would be advantageous to them. A few members of the staff team and I also use hacks, things like Fastbreak/Fastplace and Autobuild to get work down more quickly, and I've noticed people using Schematica and other mods to help them build things. Where do you guys think I should draw the line and why?

I want this to be on open discussion and I don't believe in an absolute answer for every scenario, please inform me if you think something new should be added to the list of where to draw the line.

Also is it possible to put a poll on here? That would be pretty helpful

Here's the add for the discord server, I don't wanna get spammed with DMs and friend requests so I'm not putting my discord here, and pretend you see the disord symbols instead of just text.


Quest Universe is a Discord server for a Minecraft server that is currently in development. We have many different things that can satisfy your needs!

Here's a few!
:crossed_flags: We have PE-PC support so you can play with your friends on a phone and a computer!
:ear: We listen to your suggestions and make them happen!
:lock: We have extra security verification to keep those hackers out!
:scream: We have Discord to Minecraft integration!
:robot: We are have an amazing custom Discord bot!
:crossed_swords: We have Leveled Mobs and Custom Gear such as the "Mythradite" Set
:tada: We have regular giveaways at certain member intervals!

If you want to check us out then join our Discord server below!

:link: :link:
[disallowed website]]
[color=#ffffff] questuniverse.us.to

:link: :link:

A little @everyone for the road as well

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