Go baby GOOOOOOOOOOOO! See - weed has changed my life (for the best) - I'm the hyperactive moneymaking kinda bloke, with like a hundreds of ideas reeling in my head(even right now) on how to get to the millionaire status. At some point in time, almost has a nervous breakdown after one of my ventures went down - ended up losing a LOT. 2 things kept me afloat - my gf, who I'll be getting engaged-to soon, and weed.
All day long I get the feeling my mind is on fire from all the heavy thinking - but then comes the evening: plenty of weed and plenty of sex - cracks me right up and makes me feel sooooo chilled!
Try it, you may hate it, or you may love it..! but do try, coz i believe this plant is stigmatized to keep the tobacco industry going, which brings in billions in tax to the government.