Asa Wrote: Yeah, as the weekend is approaches I plan to make serious changes to Revelate in a sense of sub-forums, niche enforcing, and maybe if enough is done, changing up recruitment. And if you read my suggestion, I said "I think we should focus on Revelate for a while as it is not fully done." I gave him my suggestions if he does end up buying one.
Just change the group into a specific niche. (Like manga, or music.) It will serve a much better purpose., because as of right now it is a general group within a general community. (Which is a terrible idea as groups are meant to spike activity.) Awaiting eagerly the changes you are going to make though.
I hope to make it more of a support group. Helping everyone not just a select few. Like maybe group help desks for certain things in different areas. I also plan on making sure the members actually do something. Kind of feel like talking about removing the ability to apply as someone in need of help because... well anyone can do that. Plus the group is meant to help people, so why not just help people not in the group instead of having people apply to be helped? Idk. At the end of the day its up to Perileos. But I hope he considers my opinion.
And yeah, I personally would bring a Manga group into the forums if I had the option to.