Battle Royale Games
fortnite and pubg are overated.
Submitted by Mion1, 23-05-2018, 11:00 AM, Thread ID: 89455
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RE: fortnite and pubg are overated.
24-05-2018, 05:56 AM
#8 24-05-2018, 05:41 AM_Zenith Wrote: I mean that's why I find them overrated. They both received so much praise and acknowledgement and have all this hype surrounding it. But in my honest opinion they are both just glorigied walking simulators, pubg more than fortnite.
I have seen some crazy shit in fortnite but so much of it just looks like a repeated building pattern, that becomes muscle memory quickly. Which is just like, what's the point of caring so much that "oh look I built 4 walls and stairs in 3 seconds for the 50 thousanth time.
Idk I find both games to have waaaaay too much hype around it when they are just so boring to play, and watch.
(On a side note I remember seeing a tweet in like December that was like "thanks fortnite, you brought friendships together again." Like if your friendships were that shit that a videogame had to bring it together then I feel sorry for you.)
I guess it depends on the person. I like both games fine, fortnite more though. PUBG can be a boring walking simulator but the fights are heavily aim based which a lot of people like. Especially Ex CS players. Each game caters to a different group of people. Also if you think about it, any game that has gained massive popularity is automatically deemed overrated within the next couple of months. Like CSGO, you just shoot people on the same maps with the same objective. Most games are repetitive in themselves. Also on the note of depending on the person; people who enjoy single player coop games clearly will not like BR games because they just are casual gamers who like good stories and hang out with friends. They won't want to play a game so hyped up anyway, they just will call it what they think it is and move on. People play the BR games for the adrenaline and new feel of it. To be honest up until recently there has been no real multiplayer fps game released that has satisfied such a large amount of people. Also skill gaps will make people not want to play them. Like if you are a MOBA player and then try fortnite. Of course you're gonna suck cause you aren't used to aiming, so people give up. Once you become better at any game you will automatically enjoy it more. People will play what they enjoy, not what they find frustrating. I don't find either overrated, I just find them to be games that are just big. No big multiplayer game exists where it can satisfy every single type of gamer on this planet.
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