
Opinions on Brigette?

Submitted by akiivaa, , Thread ID: 78074

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RE: Opinions on Brigette?

02-06-2018, 07:47 PM
This post was last modified: 02-06-2018, 07:48 PM by jessiegarza2000
03-03-2018, 10:44 PM
Trinity Wrote:
Personally, I extremely enjoy playing Moira. I love her kit and I wouldn't change anything about her. Sure, she's pretty annoying when you play Genji for example or sometimes because of her range. Some Moiras are to dumb to heal and go almost full DPS.
Doomfist isn't played much, when someone plays him he's usually considered as thrower.
Well, we don't really know how she will effect the game. I saw today that she got nerfed on PTR already. She will be good at dealing with annoying backline flankers like Tracer, but we will see how things develop.

What were your mains?

I'd say that my original main was Symmetra (2.4k Hours playing on her alone), but now It's between Moira and Symmetra.

I'll agree with you on a lot of people can't heal using Moira because they don't know how. I'm pretty fluent with her heals and her dps.

I've mostly outhealed and outdps'd most competitive teams I've been with in Platinum and Diamond (PC rankings). I like her, however I do think there needs to be at least a 5% buff to her DPS, and a 10% Cut to her Range.

--- On the Post about Brigitte, I hate her. Her Shield bash needs to be increased by 2-3 seconds AT LEAST, and her dps needs to be nerfed while continually flailing her morning star. Otherwise at least slow her flailing down.

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