Call of Duty

Is COD WW2 worth it

Submitted by Clorux, , Thread ID: 66764

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RE: Is COD WW2 worth it

29-06-2018, 01:43 PM
26-12-2017, 08:09 PM
Clorux Wrote:
I seen the game on youtube and a lot of people say its good but a lot of them are activision cocksuckers

And a lot of people says its good.


I am putting my money on no but what is ur guys opinion?

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27-12-2017, 06:50 PM
CKGrim Wrote:
The game is worth it. I had the same thought as you buy once you start playing youll like it a lot. Theyve added so much new stuff to the game that it seems to be a change in the way CoD games are being made and hopefully this is a preview into the future. The only bad thing is they copied the bayonet charge from Battlefield 1 and its somewhat annoying.

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