Minecraft Leaks

ByteCore [HCF] [1.7/1.8] [API] [Event System] [Mountain System] 1.1.11

Submitted by FroxiakPL, , Thread ID: 94019

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30-06-2018, 11:12 PM
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Tested Minecraft Versions:
  • 1.7
  • 1.8
Contributors:HuliPvP, LegendDev
[Image: cooltext260528080316161-png.285372]
  • ByteCore is a very efficient and high-quality HCF core compared to the ones out there. Not only does it include a built-in Event system and Mountain system, there is a highly well-documented API which has been in no other public core to ever go on the market. It also supports many Factions systems, such as HCFactions by @drtshock, Mango by @Alexandeh, HCFactions by @Irantwomiles and even more support to come in the near future of the project. This project has been tested for two weeks straight and gone under heavy stress testing to provide the outstanding performance that HCF server owners require for their community. ByteCore will also be updated weekly and will provide blazing fast support through Spigot, E-Mail, and Discord.
[Image: cooltext260528253978390-1-png.285373]
  • All-around Developer API to customize ByteCore even further to your needs
  • Extreme configurability with all of the files that generate with ByteCore
  • Scoreboard system
  • Built-in Conquest system
  • Built-in DTC system
  • Glowstone mountain system
  • Treasure mountain system
  • Bard Kit
  • Archer Kit
  • Miner Kit
  • Rogue Kit
  • Gapple cooldown
  • Enderpearl cooldown
  • Deathbans system
  • Lives system
  • Pvp Timer system
  • Region support w/ Red Walls
  • Enchantment limiter
  • Potion limiter
  • Increased smelting and brewing system
  • Death signs
  • End spawn system
  • Book de-enchant system
  • Subclaim system
  • Anti-bot system
  • Weapon tracking system
  • Enderchest system
  • Minecart elevators
  • Sign elevators
  • Easy craft melons, like MineHQ
  • Freeze system
  • Built-in staff mode
  • Help command
  • Coords command
  • Ores command
  • Playtime command
  • Player profiles
  • LFF command
  • Cooldown system
  • Report command
  • Request command
  • Bug and suggestion reporting system
  • Staff chat system
  • All-in-one chat management
  • Slow restart
  • Logout command
  • Combat Tag
  • Wrenches
  • SOTW system
  • Focus system
  • MapKit system
  • Vanish system
  • Block filter system
  • Watch TPS system
  • First Join Items
  • Max players
  • Auto-smelt
  • Join full server
  • Join/Quit messages (toggle-able)
  • Reclaim system
  • Revive system
  • Panic system
  • F Home & F Stuck
  • Death Messages
  • Custom Shop sign system
config.yml : https://pastebin.com/xgdsRW7q

lang.yml: https://pastebin.com/pqcA6Frw
[Image: cooltext260528345357041-png.285375]
Chat Commands:
  • /help - byte.cmd.help
  • /coords - byte.cmd.coords
  • /ores <player> - byte.cmd.ores
  • /playtime <player> - byte.cmd.playtime
  • /lff - byte.cmd.lff
  • /bug <message> - byte.cmd.bug
  • /suggest <message> - byte.cmd.suggest
  • /report <message> - byte.cmd.report
  • /request <message> - byte.cmd.request
  • /staffchat <message> - byte.cmd.staffchat
  • /mutechat - byte.cmd.mutechat
  • /clearchat - byte.cmd.clearchat
  • /slowchat - byte.cmd.slowchat
  • /pvp - byte.cmd.pvp (Base permission)
  • /pvp time - pvp.cmd.time
  • /pvp enable - pvp.cmd.enable
  • /pvp revive <player> - pvp.cmd.revive
  • /pvp give <player> - pvp.cmd.give
  • /lives - byte.cmd.lives (Base permission)
  • /lives check - lives.cmd.check
  • /lives revive <player> - lives.cmd.revive
  • /lives send <player> <amount> - lives.cmd.send
  • /lives give <player> <amount> - lives.cmd.give
  • /lives take <player> <amount> - lives.cmd.take
Teleportation Commands:
  • /f home - byte.cmd.fhome
  • /f stuck - byte.cmd.fstuck
Combat Commands:
  • /logout - byte.cmd.logout
  • /combattag - byte.cmd.ct
  • /focus <player> - byte.cmd.focus
Staff Commands:
  • /wrench <player> - byte.cmd.wrench
  • /freeze <player> - byte.cmd.freeze
  • /panic - byte.cmd.panic
  • /slowstop <seconds|cancel> - byte.cmd.slowstop
  • /mod - byte.cmd.mod
  • /mod <player> - byte.cmd.mod.other
  • /vanish - byte.cmd.vanish
  • /restoreinv <player> - byte.cmd.restore
  • /firstjoinitems - byte.cmd.firstjoinitems
  • /mapkit - byte.cmd.mapkit
  • /mapkit edit - byte.cmd.mapkit.edit
  • /setmaxplayers <amount> - byte.cmd.setmaxplayers
Other Commands:
  • /stone - byte.cmd.stone
  • /cobble - byte.cmd.cobble
  • /mobdrops - byte.cmd.mobdrops
  • /watchtps <delay> - byte.cmd.watchtps
  • /sotw <start|stop|settimer> - byte.cmd.sotw
  • /reclaim - byte.cmd.reclaim
  • /revive - byte.cmd.revive
  • /byte reload - OPs or byte.cmd.byte
Event Commands:
  • /conquest - byte.cmd.conquest
  • /dtc - byte.cmd.dtc
  • /glowstone - byte.cmd.glowstone
  • /treasure - byte.cmd.treasure
Non-Command Permissions:
  • Staff Permission - byte.staff
  • Join full server - byte.joinfullserver
  • Auto smelt - byte.autosmelt
  • Deathban bypass - byte.deathbanbypass
[Image: cooltext260528409561181-png.285376]
  1. Purchase and download ByteCore.
  2. Stop the server.
  3. Download WorldGuard and WorldEdit.
  4. Download one of the supported Factions systems.
  5. Put WorldEdit, WorldGuard, and one of the supported Factions systems into the plugins folder.
  6. Start the server.
  7. Now you're done!
[Image: cooltext260528493222048-png.285377]
How do I create a non-PVP Timer region to show the red walls?
  1. You need to first create a world guard region. ex. /rg create Spawn
  2. You must flag the region where PvP is set to deny. ex. /rg flag Spawn pvp deny
  3. You're done!
How do I set the Spawn and End locations?
  1. You must be OP to perform these commands.
  2. First do /core location
  3. Do /core location save <type>
  4. Available types are Spawn, End_Spawn, and End_Exit.
  5. To visit a certain location, do /core location go <type>
  6. You're done!
How do I configure the reclaim.yml?
Below you will find an example reclaim.yml:

How do I make a Shop sign?
  1. Put either 'Buy' or 'Sell' on the first line
  2. Put the material on the second line - Ex. 'Diamond Sword'
  3. Put the amount of items to either buy or sell on the third line
  4. Put the price of the items on the fourth line, with no '$', just the integer value
  5. And then you're all done!
[Image: cooltext260528630803483-png.285380]
Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/pyMz0zGQ
[Image: cooltext262135235192870-png.287923]
[Image: 29ad4ea7d6e025a8c0cfd9d80756d8e7cd511b5f...okrqE6.png]
[Image: f8fe701ab1f9173bda994cf2835b7d70ca76a2ca...2zUIdR.png]
[Image: 8f3be2d9617fa651832ae195cd23209d816877db...Vu9pbF.png]
[Image: a230c0787f6dc73ff8da4ce9c566d794f22fdeb9...wLLc19.png]
[Image: ed1b84307de15bf0f0a68288b824d9af9577c88f...miaoZj.png]
[Image: 97e82bd367224ae08a007960dc06d788239451bd...87cead.png]
[Image: cooltext260528547623708-png.285378]
  • Built-in KOTH (No ETA)
[Image: cooltext260528587740490-png.285379] [Image: cooltext260528684170180-png.285381]
  • You agree to these terms once you download the resource from this page.
  • You may not redistribute of the downloaded file in any way, shape, or form.
  • You may not decompile or modify the code inside of the plugin.
  • You may not receive a refund.
  • You may not chargeback on PayPal.
  • You may not claim this plugin as your own.
  • You may not leave a bad review because of a bug or issue and will contact me when you find a bug. See 'Contact Me'
  • These terms can be changed and you automatically agree to new or changed terms once you have downloaded this resource.
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Download links do not work?Write to me at PV and I will try to fix it Smile

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