Even though OP is banned I would like to express my frustration towards PayPal. They suck every **** on this planet and they're the s***tiest company alive. I scammed them out of $1000.00 USD last summer though,... that felt good.
The Short(est) Story:
It started off that I withdrew $1000.00 USD from my PayPal account to my bank account, I then came back to PayPal and the $1000.00 was still in my account, therefore I withdrew it again.
3 Days Later... I receive $2000.00 USD in my bank account. 2 Weeks Later... PayPal then finds out and debits my account $1000.00 USD.
I then call in and find out there was a glitch happening ONLY to Canadian users and certain banks. I continuously denied ever receiving money, they didn't believe me and asked for bank statements.
I photo-shopped all my statements for that month to exclude the extra payment of $1000.00 from all. They bought it and credited my account back to square.