Minecraft Leaks
Submitted by AndreaMC90, 04-08-2018, 09:31 PM, Thread ID: 97735
Thread Closed
More than 5k+ placeholders! that you can use in both theTEXTand thePROGRESS
[b][b]Test it live@[/b]
@clip's server using his plugin placeholders
I am not good in video's. But at least I tried
Above image showing a rainbow animated text and the current RAM usage. The bossbar shows the progress of the used ram (placeholder) VS max ram
A complex animated scoreboard with lines that only run once (The welcome) and various preset effects
AirBarCreator + result
A quick combat trigger example showing your target's health
Multiple bars at the same time
This plugin utilizes the bar up in the air to show specific information to your players. You can create a boss bar (I will call it air bar from now on) that constantly shows on your players screen with some cool fancy animations, you can create permission based announcements that show every X seconds, you can use the trigger events to trigger a boss bar on a specific event, .... The animations allow you to change the text and use scrollers and a lot more preset effects. You can also change the percentage of the airbar as well with either some static numbers you enter frame by frame, or a placeholder that updates them (like showing a progress bar of your RAM usage, health, TPS ,.. and more).
The plugin is very efficient both in the background with placeholder loading as in the foreground when sending the packets. You can also tweak a few small things to increase the performance based on your needs.
What makes this plugin worth the price? [10$]
- Spigot 1.8.3 or higher
- MVdWPlaceholderAPI 2+
- Around 25MB RAM in idle + (40Kb / player) depending on the animation size
- Placeholders are embedded, so the file could be 5MB in the future, keep in mind. The unneeded placeholders are not loaded into the ram, disk space is not equal to ram
- Ability to access the internet/sites for possible placeholders such as Facebook and Twitter or others. It is also required in order to run the plugin and fetch required data.
- Depending on refresh rates you may need a 1Gbps connection when having more then 800 players
Requirements 1.9+ server:
- Spigot 1.9 or higher
- MVdWPlaceholderAPI 2+
- Around 25MB RAM in idle + (45Kb / player) depending on the animation size
- Placeholders are embedded, so the file could be 5MB in the future, keep in mind. The unneeded placeholders are not loaded into the ram, disk space is not equal to ram
- Ability to access the internet/sites for possible placeholders such as Facebook and Twitter or others. It is also required in order to run the plugin and fetch required data.
- Packets are a lot less than 1.8 meaning less bandwidth needed. However you will need more bandwidth if you are going to have multiple running bars with fast animation and changing color/styles at the same time.
Code (Text):
# ------------------------------ #
# AirBar 3
# © Maxim Van de Wynckel
# ------------------------------ #
# About: Everyone knows the shiny boss bar on the top of the screen.
# On first sight this plugin does the same exact thing as any
# other BossBar plugin. However it has loads of preset effects,
# loads of placeholders, its light as air (maybe even lighter than
# a feather) but above all: it is extremely customizable.
# 1.9 servers can create up to 4 boss bars running at the same time
# the boss bars can change color, change the amount of segments and
# just like in 1.8 also change the progress.
# If you are not a fan of multiple boss bars you can even set it to
# use a single bar instead for event triggers, etc...
# Features:
# - 5000+ placeholders on launch (more coming every month)
# - 30+ preset effects on launch (added less regulary but still added)
# - 20+ trigger events (trigger a boss bar with a plugin)
# - Configure the whole animation using a GUI (AnimationCreator)
# - Change the progress value by starting with |25/100|Bar is at 25%
# |{health}/20|Your health is 50%
# - Change the color for each frame (1.9)
# |color:red| (see documentation for available colors)
# - Change the amount of segments for each frame (1.9)
# |segments:6| (see documentation for available segments)
# - Announcements: Change between boss bar's every X seconds
# - Run once: For announcements or triggered boss bars you can set the
# the frames to only run once (so don't loop)
# Permissions: To use the airbar groups give them the permission
# airbar.group.<group>
# Make sure to remove them from the other groups
# when giving a new permission.
# Above that you can 'trigger' airbar's using trigger
# effects.
# Commands: List of main commands
# /airbar help - Show all commands
# /airbar reload - Reload the configuration
# Variables: These variables can be used in the TEXT section
# of both the header as the footer.
# {PLAYER} - Player name
# {PLAYERNICK} - Player nickname
# {SERVER} - Server name
# {PLAYERCOUNT} - Server player count
# {BUNGEECOUNT} - Bungee network player count
# 5000+ more ... see spigot page
# Formatting: These are formatting tags allowing you to format the animations
# or placeholders.
# Substring: This allows you to split a word (even a placeholder) in parts
# example: <substring begin=0 end=3>Hello World</substring> = Hel
# usage: This can be used to split placeholders when creating a typewriter
# or to split the colors in a placeholder.
# Scroll: This creates a scrolling animation of the text inside it. It accepts
# two arguments (the length and space between scrolls).
# example: <scroll width=20 spaces=20>&2This is a &atest</scroll>
# PLENTY MORE! See spigot page
## Config version (DO NOT EDIT)
config: 2
## Language file
lang: 'en'
## Debug mode
debug: false
## Log to file
enabled: true
# Reset log on startup
reset: true
## Update checking
# Placeholder settings
# Force install all placeholders (NOT RECOMMENDED)
force-all: false
# logs the memory usage of placeholders on startup
log-memory: false
# Clear unused placeholders that are not enabled.
clear-unused: true
# Config cache only
# This will only use placeholders in the config
config-cache: false
# Toggling allows you to disable the airbar
# If you want the toggle to stay even when your users
# log off you can enable this. Keep in mind that this requires a
# MySQL or SQLite database.
# If you are configuring the plugin for the first time it is advised
# to stay away from these settings until you managed the airbar
# set up.
persistent: false
# Database configuration is SIMILAR to http://wiki.bukkit.org/Bukkit.yml#database
# with isolation, url, driver, ...
# Database name
database: "airbar"
# Database username
username: bukkit
# Database isolation type
# Database driver
driver: org.sqlite.JDBC
# Database password
password: walrus
# Database driver URL
# {DIR} will be replaced with the plugin directory
# {NAME} will be replaced wit the plugin name
url: jdbc:sqlite:{DIR}{NAME}.db
# Save interval in ticks
save-interval: 6000
# Disabled worlds. Add your world name in this list to
# disable it.
- 'example_world'
# Following tweaks are for 1.8.X servers
# Since 1.8 the bossbar is only visible when looking directly to a boss
# this means for every movement the boss has to move. How further it is away
# the more it has to move
entity-distance: 28
# Since 1.8 the bossbar is only visible when looking directly to a boss
# this means for every movement the boss has to move. The move threshold is
# a tweak that only triggers a movement of the boss when the change is bigger than
# specified. Note that large thresholds may cause disappearing boss bar's.
movement-threshold: 1
# This is a DEBUG tweak/test. This will make the wither that is used to show
# the boss bar visible, so you can use it to tweak the entity-distance and
# movement threshold. Keep in mind that this requires a relog as well.
visible-entity: false
# Following tweaks are for 1.9.X servers
# Make the sky darker during showing a boss bar (maybe to draw attention to it)
darken-sky: false
# Create a fog effect during the boss bar
create-fog: false
# Bossbar sound during showing the airbar
sound: false
# Default amount of segments (if not specified in the individual groups
# or in the individual lines)
default-segments: 1
# Default color (if not specified in the individual groups
# or in the individual lines)
default-color: PINK # Default boss bar color in 1.8
# Use one single bar. When false it will create a new bar on new overrides
# or when having permission on multiple bars.
# Multiple bars means multiple packets per bar (more bandwidth and CPU)
single-bar: false
# While you can use this plugin to show a bar "in the air" you define
# using permissions, you can also switch between airbar groups using
# announcements. Announcements allow you to 'switch' between the different
# groups a player has permission to. This allows you for example to show
# some server advertising but do not show it to donators (if you make sure they
# don't have permission to the "advertisement")
# Do you want to enable announcements for the airbar plugin
# enabling this will loop through all airbar groups that have "is-announcement" enabled
# and the player has permission to.
# It will change between the groups every "change-interval" in seconds
enabled: false
# The interval to change between announcements (Every x seconds)
change-interval: 60
# This section contains all pre-configured AirBar's
# You can create multiple groups to send
# different airbar's to different players
# The airbar supports color codes and frames
# This example shows a simple switching frame every 2 seconds.
# The bossbar remains at 100% on both frames
- '|segments:6|color:yellow|&6&lExample &2&oAirBar'
- '|segments:10|color:green|&e&lExample &6&oAirBar'
- '|segments:12|color:blue|&6&lExample &2&oAirBar'
- '|segments:20|color:pink|&e&lExample &6&oAirBar'
- '|segments:12|color:purple|&6&lExample &2&oAirBar'
- '|segments:10|color:red|&e&lExample &6&oAirBar'
# The interval in ticks to switch text
interval: 10
# Define if the text should be randomized. Animation formatting tags
# won't be affected.
# Enabling randomizing overrides the run-once (meaning you can't randomize and run once)
random: false
# If you only want the frames/text to run one time
# set this to true. This will only loop through the frames
# once.
# Please NOTE: The run-once will only work on triggered airbar
# or announcements.
# The bar will be removed after the interval of the last frame.
run-once: false
# If you set this 'airbar group' as an announcement it will be
# used in the announcement loop. If:
# 1) The player has permission to this group
# 2) is-announcement is set to true
is-announcement: false
# Default color of the boss bar. Only works on 1.9!
# Will be overridden by a |color:xxxx| tag in a line
# Available colors:
color: PINK
# Default segments in the boss bar (just for the looks). Only works on 1.9!
# Will be overridden by a |segments:xx| tag in a line
# Available options:
# 1,6,10,12,20
# Leave 1 or 0 if you are not sure
segments: 1
# The airbar supports color codes and frames
# |5| = Bossbar at 5%
- '|5|&aM'
- '|10|&aM&2a'
- '|15|&aM&2a&6x'
- '|20|&aM&2a&6x&ei'
- '|25|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm'
- '|30|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v'
- '|35|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d'
- '|40|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w'
- '|45|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w '
- '|50|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di'
- '|55|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs'
- '|60|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs '
- '|65|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C'
- '|70|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o'
- '|75|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao'
- '|80|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l'
- '|85|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l&f!'
- '|90|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l&f!!'
- '|95|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l&f!'
- '&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l'
- '&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l'
- '&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l'
- '&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l'
- '&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l'
- '&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l'
- '|95|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao'
- '|90|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o'
- '|85|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C'
- '|80|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs '
- '|75|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs'
- '|70|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di'
- '|65|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w '
- '|60|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w'
- '|55|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d'
- '|50|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v'
- '|45|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm'
- '|40|&aM&2a&6x&ei'
- '|35|&aM&2a&6x'
- '|30|&aM&2a'
- '|25|&aM'
- '|20|'
- '|15|&2&l|'
- '|10|&2&l/'
- '|5|&2&l-'
- '|0|&2&l|'
# The interval in ticks to switch text
interval: 1
# Define if the text should be randomized. Animation formatting tags
# won't be affected.
# Enabling randomizing overrides the run-once (meaning you can't randomize and run once)
random: false
# If you only want the frames/text to run one time
# set this to true. This will only loop through the frames
# once.
# Please NOTE: The run-once will only work on triggered airbar
# or announcements.
# The bar will be removed after the interval of the last frame.
run-once: true
# If you set this 'airbar group' as an announcement it will be
# used in the announcement loop. If:
# 1) The player has permission to this group
# 2) is-announcement is set to true
is-announcement: true
# The following example: airbar.group.example-ram
# will show a fast blinking text with the progress bar being the current RAM usage
# The airbar supports color codes
# |{usedram}/{maxram}| = When both placeholders are replaced they act as
# the percentage for the boss bar. {usedram} for example is 256 MB and {maxram} is 512MB
# this means it is 256/512 what is 50%
# When the "/" is not defined, it will be based on 100 (see example maxim-is-cool)
# |segments:6| = will show 6 lines/segments
- '|{usedram}/{maxram}|segments:6|<rainbow>&lCURRENT RAM USAGE </rainbow>&7&o {usedram} MB'
# The interval in ticks to switch text
interval: 1
# Define if the text should be randomized. Animation formatting tags
# won't be affected.
# Enabling randomizing overrides the run-once (meaning you can't randomize and run once)
random: false
# If you only want the frames/text to run one time
# set this to true. This will only loop through the frames
# once.
# Please NOTE: The run-once will only work on triggered airbar
# or announcements.
# The bar will be removed after the interval of the last frame.
run-once: false
# If you set this 'airbar group' as an announcement it will be
# used in the announcement loop. If:
# 1) The player has permission to this group
# 2) is-announcement is set to true
is-announcement: false
# The following example: airbar.group.example-tps
# will show a fast blinking text with the progress bar being the current TPS usage
# The airbar supports color codes
# In this example only the value is dynamic. Also is the placeholder a decimal instead
# of a round number.
# The main feature is that on Minecraft 1.9 the color will change depending on the TPS
# |color:xxx| is the tag to set a color, what I did was used the "whenrange" effect.
# this effect will test is a 'value' is in range of 'begin' and 'end', and show the result
# if this is the case. I made this effect 3 times, for three different ranges showing
# red,yellow and green respectively.
- '|{tps}/20|color:<whenrange begin="0" end="8" value="{tps}">red</whenrange><whenrange begin="9" end="15" value="{tps}">yellow</whenrange><whenrange begin="16" end="20" value="{tps}">green</whenrange>|<whenrange begin="0" end="8" value="{tps}">&c</whenrange><whenrange begin="9" end="15" value="{tps}">&e</whenrange><whenrange begin="16" end="20" value="{tps}">&a</whenrange>&lCURRENT Ticks per Second &7&o {tps}'
# The interval in ticks to switch text
interval: 1
# Define if the text should be randomized. Animation formatting tags
# won't be affected.
# Enabling randomizing overrides the run-once (meaning you can't randomize and run once)
random: false
# If you only want the frames/text to run one time
# set this to true. This will only loop through the frames
# once.
# Please NOTE: The run-once will only work on triggered airbar
# or announcements.
# The bar will be removed after the interval of the last frame.
run-once: false
# If you set this 'airbar group' as an announcement it will be
# used in the announcement loop. If:
# 1) The player has permission to this group
# 2) is-announcement is set to true
is-announcement: false
To save the toggling of the air bars you will have to use a database. Default is configured to create an SQLite file in the plugin directory. Keep in mind that the only data that is being saved is a "yes/no" for each player, so it isn't a lot of data. It is recommended to keep this in an SQLite file.
MySQL example:
username: root
driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
password: toor
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/Minecraft
It is an REMAINS recommended to disable the worlds using permissions. However to prevent event triggers and other boss bars of the plugin in general you can just add your world here.
These tweaks are meant for advanced users. The comments in the config should be explaining enough
These tweaks are meant for advanced users. The comments in the config should be explaining enough
Here you enable announcements and define the time in seconds until it switches to the next announcement you have permission to.
You always have to enable the announcements here, setting "is-announcement" in the airbar groups alone will not work.
This is the "throne" of the config. Here you put all your airbar groups. There are three possibilities in configuring a group
More than 5k+ placeholders! that you can use in both theTEXTand thePROGRESS
[b][b]Test it live@[/b]
@clip's server using his plugin placeholders
I am not good in video's. But at least I tried
Above image showing a rainbow animated text and the current RAM usage. The bossbar shows the progress of the used ram (placeholder) VS max ram
A complex animated scoreboard with lines that only run once (The welcome) and various preset effects
AirBarCreator + result
A quick combat trigger example showing your target's health
Multiple bars at the same time
- 5000+ efficient placeholders [No reflecting, cached when needed if the plugin didn't do this, very fast parsing]
- 1.9+ AND 1.8 support(1.9+ can use multiple boss bars, colors and styles)
- Change the bar color frame by frame!
- Change the amount of segments frame by frame!
- Have multiple running boss bars at the same time (or triggered boss bars using event triggers)
- Don't like a lot of bars at the same time? You can configure the plugin to only use one AirBar at the same time (like in 1.8)
- A lot of preset animations that you can use
- No lagg [Can even run on a Raspberry Pi]
- Efficient placeholder parsing: Only placeholders used in the config are used
- Efficient animation and placeholder caching: Placeholders are cached when the plugin doesn't do this (usually smaller plugins where the API directly connects to a database). Animations are cached several frames before sending so it doesn't 'stutter' the boss bar without actually taking up heaps of memory.
- Efficient sending for 1.8 servers. The packets are up to half as less comparing to other boss bar plugins.
- Efficient placeholder parsing: Only placeholders used in the config are used
- Change/Animated the boss bar progress. Even use placeholders to update their values
- Tweak-ability: You can tweak advanced things such as movement thresholds,etc... allowing you to boost every single millisecond out of it.
- Many updates
- Event triggered boss bar to show relevant information based on what the player is doing
- Internal Developer API and external Developer API (MVdWPlaceholderAPI) to add your own placeholders
- In depth placeholder configuration to define what they return
- Players can toggle their boss bar on an off
- Toggled boss bars can be stored in a database to save their choice after server restarts.
- Players can switch between airbar groups using commands
- Console or an OP can switch airbar's of other players
This plugin utilizes the bar up in the air to show specific information to your players. You can create a boss bar (I will call it air bar from now on) that constantly shows on your players screen with some cool fancy animations, you can create permission based announcements that show every X seconds, you can use the trigger events to trigger a boss bar on a specific event, .... The animations allow you to change the text and use scrollers and a lot more preset effects. You can also change the percentage of the airbar as well with either some static numbers you enter frame by frame, or a placeholder that updates them (like showing a progress bar of your RAM usage, health, TPS ,.. and more).
The plugin is very efficient both in the background with placeholder loading as in the foreground when sending the packets. You can also tweak a few small things to increase the performance based on your needs.
What makes this plugin worth the price? [10$]
- It has a lot of placeholders, and I really mean "a lot"
- It is very efficient
- Both 1.8 and 1.9+ support
- It is a very complex and configurable plugin while still having an easy configuration
- I keep my documentation up to date
- I regularly update my resources
- I put a lot of work into side-projects for this plugin such as the AirBarCreator and future free add ons.
- The max width including colors is 64
- You currently can't change the time between announcements depending on permissions (for example non-donators get an announcement every 10 seconds and donators only every 60 seconds). This will not be made possible using the plugin because it will make it a lot more complex. However it is possible that a more advanced announcer add-on will created.
- [1.8 ONLY]There is a specific angle when you look down the boss bar will hide. It has been greatly improved compared to Hypixel or bossbarapi but still occurs sometimes. There is a solution in the works but it will use double the CPU power needed.
- [1.8 ONLY]When the health/progress is below 50% you can see a very very small white dot in the distance due to the wither not completely being invisible (glow effect). Note that you will not see this if a building is in front of the max entity distance
- Spigot 1.8.3 or higher
- MVdWPlaceholderAPI 2+
- Around 25MB RAM in idle + (40Kb / player) depending on the animation size
- Placeholders are embedded, so the file could be 5MB in the future, keep in mind. The unneeded placeholders are not loaded into the ram, disk space is not equal to ram
- Ability to access the internet/sites for possible placeholders such as Facebook and Twitter or others. It is also required in order to run the plugin and fetch required data.
- Depending on refresh rates you may need a 1Gbps connection when having more then 800 players
Requirements 1.9+ server:
- Spigot 1.9 or higher
- MVdWPlaceholderAPI 2+
- Around 25MB RAM in idle + (45Kb / player) depending on the animation size
- Placeholders are embedded, so the file could be 5MB in the future, keep in mind. The unneeded placeholders are not loaded into the ram, disk space is not equal to ram
- Ability to access the internet/sites for possible placeholders such as Facebook and Twitter or others. It is also required in order to run the plugin and fetch required data.
- Packets are a lot less than 1.8 meaning less bandwidth needed. However you will need more bandwidth if you are going to have multiple running bars with fast animation and changing color/styles at the same time.
Code (Text):
# ------------------------------ #
# AirBar 3
# © Maxim Van de Wynckel
# ------------------------------ #
# About: Everyone knows the shiny boss bar on the top of the screen.
# On first sight this plugin does the same exact thing as any
# other BossBar plugin. However it has loads of preset effects,
# loads of placeholders, its light as air (maybe even lighter than
# a feather) but above all: it is extremely customizable.
# 1.9 servers can create up to 4 boss bars running at the same time
# the boss bars can change color, change the amount of segments and
# just like in 1.8 also change the progress.
# If you are not a fan of multiple boss bars you can even set it to
# use a single bar instead for event triggers, etc...
# Features:
# - 5000+ placeholders on launch (more coming every month)
# - 30+ preset effects on launch (added less regulary but still added)
# - 20+ trigger events (trigger a boss bar with a plugin)
# - Configure the whole animation using a GUI (AnimationCreator)
# - Change the progress value by starting with |25/100|Bar is at 25%
# |{health}/20|Your health is 50%
# - Change the color for each frame (1.9)
# |color:red| (see documentation for available colors)
# - Change the amount of segments for each frame (1.9)
# |segments:6| (see documentation for available segments)
# - Announcements: Change between boss bar's every X seconds
# - Run once: For announcements or triggered boss bars you can set the
# the frames to only run once (so don't loop)
# Permissions: To use the airbar groups give them the permission
# airbar.group.<group>
# Make sure to remove them from the other groups
# when giving a new permission.
# Above that you can 'trigger' airbar's using trigger
# effects.
# Commands: List of main commands
# /airbar help - Show all commands
# /airbar reload - Reload the configuration
# Variables: These variables can be used in the TEXT section
# of both the header as the footer.
# {PLAYER} - Player name
# {PLAYERNICK} - Player nickname
# {SERVER} - Server name
# {PLAYERCOUNT} - Server player count
# {BUNGEECOUNT} - Bungee network player count
# 5000+ more ... see spigot page
# Formatting: These are formatting tags allowing you to format the animations
# or placeholders.
# Substring: This allows you to split a word (even a placeholder) in parts
# example: <substring begin=0 end=3>Hello World</substring> = Hel
# usage: This can be used to split placeholders when creating a typewriter
# or to split the colors in a placeholder.
# Scroll: This creates a scrolling animation of the text inside it. It accepts
# two arguments (the length and space between scrolls).
# example: <scroll width=20 spaces=20>&2This is a &atest</scroll>
# PLENTY MORE! See spigot page
## Config version (DO NOT EDIT)
config: 2
## Language file
lang: 'en'
## Debug mode
debug: false
## Log to file
enabled: true
# Reset log on startup
reset: true
## Update checking
# Placeholder settings
# Force install all placeholders (NOT RECOMMENDED)
force-all: false
# logs the memory usage of placeholders on startup
log-memory: false
# Clear unused placeholders that are not enabled.
clear-unused: true
# Config cache only
# This will only use placeholders in the config
config-cache: false
# Toggling allows you to disable the airbar
# If you want the toggle to stay even when your users
# log off you can enable this. Keep in mind that this requires a
# MySQL or SQLite database.
# If you are configuring the plugin for the first time it is advised
# to stay away from these settings until you managed the airbar
# set up.
persistent: false
# Database configuration is SIMILAR to http://wiki.bukkit.org/Bukkit.yml#database
# with isolation, url, driver, ...
# Database name
database: "airbar"
# Database username
username: bukkit
# Database isolation type
# Database driver
driver: org.sqlite.JDBC
# Database password
password: walrus
# Database driver URL
# {DIR} will be replaced with the plugin directory
# {NAME} will be replaced wit the plugin name
url: jdbc:sqlite:{DIR}{NAME}.db
# Save interval in ticks
save-interval: 6000
# Disabled worlds. Add your world name in this list to
# disable it.
- 'example_world'
# Following tweaks are for 1.8.X servers
# Since 1.8 the bossbar is only visible when looking directly to a boss
# this means for every movement the boss has to move. How further it is away
# the more it has to move
entity-distance: 28
# Since 1.8 the bossbar is only visible when looking directly to a boss
# this means for every movement the boss has to move. The move threshold is
# a tweak that only triggers a movement of the boss when the change is bigger than
# specified. Note that large thresholds may cause disappearing boss bar's.
movement-threshold: 1
# This is a DEBUG tweak/test. This will make the wither that is used to show
# the boss bar visible, so you can use it to tweak the entity-distance and
# movement threshold. Keep in mind that this requires a relog as well.
visible-entity: false
# Following tweaks are for 1.9.X servers
# Make the sky darker during showing a boss bar (maybe to draw attention to it)
darken-sky: false
# Create a fog effect during the boss bar
create-fog: false
# Bossbar sound during showing the airbar
sound: false
# Default amount of segments (if not specified in the individual groups
# or in the individual lines)
default-segments: 1
# Default color (if not specified in the individual groups
# or in the individual lines)
default-color: PINK # Default boss bar color in 1.8
# Use one single bar. When false it will create a new bar on new overrides
# or when having permission on multiple bars.
# Multiple bars means multiple packets per bar (more bandwidth and CPU)
single-bar: false
# While you can use this plugin to show a bar "in the air" you define
# using permissions, you can also switch between airbar groups using
# announcements. Announcements allow you to 'switch' between the different
# groups a player has permission to. This allows you for example to show
# some server advertising but do not show it to donators (if you make sure they
# don't have permission to the "advertisement")
# Do you want to enable announcements for the airbar plugin
# enabling this will loop through all airbar groups that have "is-announcement" enabled
# and the player has permission to.
# It will change between the groups every "change-interval" in seconds
enabled: false
# The interval to change between announcements (Every x seconds)
change-interval: 60
# This section contains all pre-configured AirBar's
# You can create multiple groups to send
# different airbar's to different players
# The airbar supports color codes and frames
# This example shows a simple switching frame every 2 seconds.
# The bossbar remains at 100% on both frames
- '|segments:6|color:yellow|&6&lExample &2&oAirBar'
- '|segments:10|color:green|&e&lExample &6&oAirBar'
- '|segments:12|color:blue|&6&lExample &2&oAirBar'
- '|segments:20|color:pink|&e&lExample &6&oAirBar'
- '|segments:12|color:purple|&6&lExample &2&oAirBar'
- '|segments:10|color:red|&e&lExample &6&oAirBar'
# The interval in ticks to switch text
interval: 10
# Define if the text should be randomized. Animation formatting tags
# won't be affected.
# Enabling randomizing overrides the run-once (meaning you can't randomize and run once)
random: false
# If you only want the frames/text to run one time
# set this to true. This will only loop through the frames
# once.
# Please NOTE: The run-once will only work on triggered airbar
# or announcements.
# The bar will be removed after the interval of the last frame.
run-once: false
# If you set this 'airbar group' as an announcement it will be
# used in the announcement loop. If:
# 1) The player has permission to this group
# 2) is-announcement is set to true
is-announcement: false
# Default color of the boss bar. Only works on 1.9!
# Will be overridden by a |color:xxxx| tag in a line
# Available colors:
color: PINK
# Default segments in the boss bar (just for the looks). Only works on 1.9!
# Will be overridden by a |segments:xx| tag in a line
# Available options:
# 1,6,10,12,20
# Leave 1 or 0 if you are not sure
segments: 1
# The airbar supports color codes and frames
# |5| = Bossbar at 5%
- '|5|&aM'
- '|10|&aM&2a'
- '|15|&aM&2a&6x'
- '|20|&aM&2a&6x&ei'
- '|25|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm'
- '|30|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v'
- '|35|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d'
- '|40|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w'
- '|45|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w '
- '|50|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di'
- '|55|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs'
- '|60|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs '
- '|65|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C'
- '|70|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o'
- '|75|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao'
- '|80|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l'
- '|85|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l&f!'
- '|90|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l&f!!'
- '|95|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l&f!'
- '&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l'
- '&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l'
- '&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l'
- '&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l'
- '&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l'
- '&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao&2l'
- '|95|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o&ao'
- '|90|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C&7o'
- '|85|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs &4C'
- '|80|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs '
- '|75|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di&cs'
- '|70|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w &di'
- '|65|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w '
- '|60|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d&5w'
- '|55|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v&1d'
- '|50|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm&9v'
- '|45|&aM&2a&6x&ei&bm'
- '|40|&aM&2a&6x&ei'
- '|35|&aM&2a&6x'
- '|30|&aM&2a'
- '|25|&aM'
- '|20|'
- '|15|&2&l|'
- '|10|&2&l/'
- '|5|&2&l-'
- '|0|&2&l|'
# The interval in ticks to switch text
interval: 1
# Define if the text should be randomized. Animation formatting tags
# won't be affected.
# Enabling randomizing overrides the run-once (meaning you can't randomize and run once)
random: false
# If you only want the frames/text to run one time
# set this to true. This will only loop through the frames
# once.
# Please NOTE: The run-once will only work on triggered airbar
# or announcements.
# The bar will be removed after the interval of the last frame.
run-once: true
# If you set this 'airbar group' as an announcement it will be
# used in the announcement loop. If:
# 1) The player has permission to this group
# 2) is-announcement is set to true
is-announcement: true
# The following example: airbar.group.example-ram
# will show a fast blinking text with the progress bar being the current RAM usage
# The airbar supports color codes
# |{usedram}/{maxram}| = When both placeholders are replaced they act as
# the percentage for the boss bar. {usedram} for example is 256 MB and {maxram} is 512MB
# this means it is 256/512 what is 50%
# When the "/" is not defined, it will be based on 100 (see example maxim-is-cool)
# |segments:6| = will show 6 lines/segments
- '|{usedram}/{maxram}|segments:6|<rainbow>&lCURRENT RAM USAGE </rainbow>&7&o {usedram} MB'
# The interval in ticks to switch text
interval: 1
# Define if the text should be randomized. Animation formatting tags
# won't be affected.
# Enabling randomizing overrides the run-once (meaning you can't randomize and run once)
random: false
# If you only want the frames/text to run one time
# set this to true. This will only loop through the frames
# once.
# Please NOTE: The run-once will only work on triggered airbar
# or announcements.
# The bar will be removed after the interval of the last frame.
run-once: false
# If you set this 'airbar group' as an announcement it will be
# used in the announcement loop. If:
# 1) The player has permission to this group
# 2) is-announcement is set to true
is-announcement: false
# The following example: airbar.group.example-tps
# will show a fast blinking text with the progress bar being the current TPS usage
# The airbar supports color codes
# In this example only the value is dynamic. Also is the placeholder a decimal instead
# of a round number.
# The main feature is that on Minecraft 1.9 the color will change depending on the TPS
# |color:xxx| is the tag to set a color, what I did was used the "whenrange" effect.
# this effect will test is a 'value' is in range of 'begin' and 'end', and show the result
# if this is the case. I made this effect 3 times, for three different ranges showing
# red,yellow and green respectively.
- '|{tps}/20|color:<whenrange begin="0" end="8" value="{tps}">red</whenrange><whenrange begin="9" end="15" value="{tps}">yellow</whenrange><whenrange begin="16" end="20" value="{tps}">green</whenrange>|<whenrange begin="0" end="8" value="{tps}">&c</whenrange><whenrange begin="9" end="15" value="{tps}">&e</whenrange><whenrange begin="16" end="20" value="{tps}">&a</whenrange>&lCURRENT Ticks per Second &7&o {tps}'
# The interval in ticks to switch text
interval: 1
# Define if the text should be randomized. Animation formatting tags
# won't be affected.
# Enabling randomizing overrides the run-once (meaning you can't randomize and run once)
random: false
# If you only want the frames/text to run one time
# set this to true. This will only loop through the frames
# once.
# Please NOTE: The run-once will only work on triggered airbar
# or announcements.
# The bar will be removed after the interval of the last frame.
run-once: false
# If you set this 'airbar group' as an announcement it will be
# used in the announcement loop. If:
# 1) The player has permission to this group
# 2) is-announcement is set to true
is-announcement: false
To save the toggling of the air bars you will have to use a database. Default is configured to create an SQLite file in the plugin directory. Keep in mind that the only data that is being saved is a "yes/no" for each player, so it isn't a lot of data. It is recommended to keep this in an SQLite file.
MySQL example:
username: root
driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
password: toor
url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/Minecraft
It is an REMAINS recommended to disable the worlds using permissions. However to prevent event triggers and other boss bars of the plugin in general you can just add your world here.
These tweaks are meant for advanced users. The comments in the config should be explaining enough
These tweaks are meant for advanced users. The comments in the config should be explaining enough
Here you enable announcements and define the time in seconds until it switches to the next announcement you have permission to.
You always have to enable the announcements here, setting "is-announcement" in the airbar groups alone will not work.
This is the "throne" of the config. Here you put all your airbar groups. There are three possibilities in configuring a group
- CONSTANTLY SHOW: If you constantly want to show a group (animation) you must make sure is-announcement is set to FALSE and you give your players the permission "airbar.group.<GROUPNAME>"
- You can have multiple bars showing at the same time on a 1.9 server when "single-bar" in the tweaks section is enabled.
- You can have multiple bars showing at the same time on a 1.9 server when "single-bar" in the tweaks section is enabled.
- ANNOUNCEMENTS: If you want an announcement (like an animated thing that says you should donate) you need to set is-announcement to TRUE and give your players the permission "airbar.group.<GROUPNAME" if you want them to see the announcement. If you only want to let your announcement show once (not constantly loop) you need to set run-once to TRUE
- You can only have one announcement updater running. This means that this will utilize one BAR on a 1.9 server (unless "single-bar" in the tweaks section is enabled)
- You can only have one announcement updater running. This means that this will utilize one BAR on a 1.9 server (unless "single-bar" in the tweaks section is enabled)
- TRIGGERED AIRBAR: If you want to create an airbar that is triggered. Like the health of your opponent when in combat. You need to set is-announcement to FALSE and NOT give your players any permission for the group. Just add the group name in the event trigger of your choice. Same applies for boss bars you only want to show using the /airbar show command.
- On a 1.9 server with "single-bar" in the tweaks section disabled: the triggered airbar will be shown as an extra bar. On a single-bar or on a 1.8 server it will (temp) override the current showing boss bar.
- On a 1.9 server with "single-bar" in the tweaks section disabled: the triggered airbar will be shown as an extra bar. On a single-bar or on a 1.8 server it will (temp) override the current showing boss bar.
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