MyBB Tutorials

10 Simple SEO Ideas for Your Forum Contents

Submitted by owladmin, , Thread ID: 99787

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24-08-2018, 09:36 AM
Good day everyone! I made this thread because I keep on seeing new forum owners
and I don't want them to experience what happen to my friends who got depressed and discouraged.
Making a forum is very easy especially if you are already familiar with forums and simple basic html.
The most common problem is what to post in your forum. Good looking designs, and expensive hosting is not enough to get the people that you want to join your forum. Below are the things that works on me.

1. first make sure that you have edited your meta tags with a
good title, description, and the right keywords.
You might want to read this: 2. Search for visit your niche competitors forum/blog and observe what is lacking in them.
Try to check their post/threads if you can find a post that seems unfinished,
or not well explained then choose it and create your own thread making
it more polished and fixed.

3. Think of a good and attractive SEO Title.
You might want to read this: 4. You should add a header with keyword aside from the Forum Title with
a size of x5 or Extra Large.

5. Also add some Sub-Header with keywords.

6. Never intimidate readers with massive words. Keep it short.

7. Add images that is related to your post it might be screen shot or stock photos.
You can use free stock photos from

8. Use inbound links, a link to your other threads. Just like what I did in #3.

9. Use outbound links, it can be your sources, credits to, or useful links. Just like what I did in #1 & #7.

10. Keep doing DIY-SEO atleast once a day or once a week.

Finally, if you find this advice tiring, time consuming, or exhausting you can apply here the
one-minute principle of Kaizen.

Good Luck everyone!

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