The concept of God and all religion for that matter is a man made construct that started out as a way for people to try to explain /mostly scientific/ stuff they had no understanding of. It eventually morphed into the most powerful mind control tool that has ever been conceived. What bugs me the most is the whole deal with christianity,-- The state of the christian religion can literally be attributed to one fucking guy -- Theodosius I in 380 ad, unilaterally declared christianity the new STATE RELIGION of the Roman Empire.... Before that they were Pagans... They literally went from feeding christians to the lions one day, to feeding those same lions with Pagans the next.... A few hundred years later along come the Habsburgs and they proceeded to rule western Europe from the vatican for the next 700 years or so.... the christian church, in my opinion, is the most prolific and successful CULT that has ever been, and ALSO the most deadly TERRORIST organisation by far to ever exist. -- Anyone with even the smallest grasp of science should be able to see through the BS and realize there is no super duper guy in the sky watching over us.... besides if there were, he'd prolly just be laughing at us anyway.