League Of Legends

How to get out of silver?

Submitted by shiftas, , Thread ID: 97045

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RE: How to get out of silver?

19-10-2018, 04:02 PM
Leave Team Chat. Communicate only with pings and only in Voice Chat. If no one is in Voice Chat, whatever. No big. Pings it is.

Know the meta. Know who your top heroes are for each role. ONLY play those heroes when you are playing a specific role in the meta. You shouldnt be focusing on more than 3-4 heroes, if you can help it. Obviously, there are time when youll have to deviate, but know who your highest win rate heroes in HL are and run them hard.

Know your deficits. Improve upon them. For example, I had a garbage ass win rate on Volskaya. I did some research and realized I wasnt valuing item camps as much as I should have been. Now, I ping for item camps between/before every objective and during if a camp comes up and were up a level/man. Win rate has improved dramatically.

Have a short memory. You will have shitty matches. You will make bad plays. People you play with will make bad plays. Move on.

Realize you probably arent as good as you think are. The most obvious reason why you are stuck in a certain league is because you belong in that league. Be your best (not harshest) critic.

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