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What the most Illegal thing you've done

Submitted by SadVibes101, , Thread ID: 102257

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RE: What the most Illegal thing you've done

Junior Member
22-10-2018, 07:34 AM
This post was last modified: 22-10-2018, 07:37 AM by OnlyTechNation
Well, here is a story for y'all. I went to a liquor store to purchase another beverage. Now mind you, I went to this same store earlier and bought a few drinks from the same store clerk. When I went to the counter, he said that he was denying me. Now this had me mad, but I was like whatever and decided to go to the next store. The clerk then proceeded to walk out and claims to have "gone on break" and started shouting slurs at me. I am across the street from him at this point. I turn to him and tell him he better shut his mouth before I shut it for him. He didn't listen and repeatedly slurred and said hateful things at me. He then proceeded to yell at the girl I was with and at that point, I just blacked out, and ran across the street and superman punched him in the face. He went down, started having a seizure and foamed at the mouth. I snapped out of it, and realized I killed this guy. So I started to run. I took my overshirt off and threw my hat somewhere and dipped out. A cop pulled me over and asked me, "Did you see what happened at the -store I wont name-?" I said, "Yes I did." He then asked me, "Did you see who did it?", and I calmly replied, "The guy ran up towards the park." Knowing that there was no guy and there was no park he ran to seeing how the perk was me. Well, The cop then handed me his card and asked me to call with any further details. I smiled and walked away. Later that night, I managed to skip to another city in the state, and was on the run for a few weeks. Turns out the guy I assaulted was now in a coma fighting for his life and he had to have emergency brain surgery to stop the hemorrhaging in his brain. So eventually I got caught, was booked and put in jail for 4 years. I was given a sentence of 4 years to 12 years and am currently on parole for 8 more years. Now I have assaulted people in the past, but apparently the law didn't like this one... can't get away with them all LOL!

Hope that makes the cut for a juicy story.

Heres my charges if anyone was wondering what a charge looks like in another state (if your in the USA) i blacked my name out, but im sure if you look up the case, you'll find me pretty easy.. Btw, my booking date wasn't on 2010. It was on September 19 2014.. Idk why it says 2010..
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