Today i decided to share with you guys a addon that you guys would take your server serious for. The server intro is basically like a short film trailer on what your server has to offer. It's pretty dope if you ask me. Im not an expert at coding so i couldn't yet create a short film on my immersiveRp server.
Addon Description: Installation: just drag and drop into your addons folder of your server.
If you want to download this addon please pm me or email me @ [email protected] and i will send u a download link to the files personally on there just for safety reasons. I should respond asap anyways as im gonna be on all day.
I don't plan on releasing more purchased addons from the gmod store but if i do. I certainly wont put any backdoor in it,as i said im not a good coder nor like coding a lot. im just someone thats tryna use legit *AHEM* leaked addons because FU*% BACKDOORS!I'm not an asshole who gives other people L's by shutting their server down and corrupting all their files and crapjust because they couldn't afford for something that's just a addon to the game.
PS. ifyour good at coding and know how to set up that intro for your server i would like to know how you do it as i want to create one myself. DM me