Check out methods for making money via social media, there's plenty of ways to do it. The hardest part is getting started and actually building a popular and trusted account. There are PLENTY of ways to make money off of social media, but here are some that I can think of off the top of my head currently:
Make a Twitter, Facebook, or another social media account of your choosing. Spend some time with it to get it to grow and have a high engagement rate. There are several different routes you can go down after this... 1.) After you've reached a decent engagement rate and have a fair amount of followers, occasionally post branded links (like and wait for people to start clicking. 2.) (Primarily for Snapchat, Instagram, etc..) If you have a high enough engagement rate, start offering shoutouts to other accounts. People will actually pay a fair amount for this. 3.) If you have products on Redbubble or a Shopify store, promote yourself on the page. If you have enough followers and your engagement is pretty good, chances are they will buy something.
Bear in mind that this is not all that simple. You need to find a way to make your account go viral and gain tons of followers if you want it done quickly. You can do this through contacts on a mailing list, purchasing shoutouts from other popular users, or just outright buying followers to boost your reach on platforms like Instagram. It's a long and arduous process but if you stick to it you can make some good money that is semi-autopilot.
P.S. If you find a really good method for growing accounts, let me know :please: It's not an easy task