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Life's Purpose?

Submitted by Bubble, , Thread ID: 110196

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RE: Life's Purpose?

17-12-2018, 08:21 AM
17-12-2018, 07:20 AM
Bubble Wrote:
Yes, that is right. But that is generic, which falls under the whole survival deal. I'm concerned about personal purpose. An individual purpose.

Like some people say their purpose is to cure cancer, so they go to school to study medicine.

Others say their purpose is to be a great father and teach their children good morals and values so they are successful in life.

I have yet to find my purpose, but it will come in time.

This is a way deeper question than just the "Purpose of Life". Yes as a living being there are plenty of things deeply ingrained into your basic brain functions that reward you for; reproduction, sleep, and eating. But the real thing to it is that we've strayed so far from basic primal instincts that there really taking a back seat to what we would consider the meaning.

Plain and simple the meaning of life was and shall always be to survive and thrive. However we are now in a world where the common cold (which used to be a certain death certificate) is now something that is shrugged of as a inconvenience. I love this topic but in my personal opinion the "meaning" does stray for more of a stance on "What are goals you would like to accomplish in your lifetime. Which I would put up as being the most difficult question to answer in life.

Here's something to ponder. Is the "Meaning of Life" a construct of our own choosing to try and find an answer that is undoubtedly the most difficult question to ask to ourselves?

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