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Life's Purpose?

Submitted by Bubble, , Thread ID: 110196

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RE: Life's Purpose?

Captain of Pirates
Ice Cream God
17-12-2018, 03:57 PM
This post was last modified: 17-12-2018, 03:58 PM by Bubble
17-12-2018, 08:21 AM
Shakin Wrote:
This is a way deeper question than just the "Purpose of Life". Yes as a living being there are plenty of things deeply ingrained into your basic brain functions that reward you for; reproduction, sleep, and eating. But the real thing to it is that we've strayed so far from basic primal instincts that there really taking a back seat to what we would consider the meaning.

Plain and simple the meaning of life was and shall always be to survive and thrive. However we are now in a world where the common cold (which used to be a certain death certificate) is now something that is shrugged of as a inconvenience. I love this topic but in my personal opinion the "meaning" does stray for more of a stance on "What are goals you would like to accomplish in your lifetime. Which I would put up as being the most difficult question to answer in life.

Here's something to ponder. Is the "Meaning of Life" a construct of our own choosing to try and find an answer that is undoubtedly the most difficult question to ask to ourselves?

This is a drawn out version of what I said. I'm asking you guy what is you're purpose, if you have found it yet of course.
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