Its been a while since I was messing around with script fodder and got some kid banned for leaking his scripts (lol) so I haven'tbeen around SF for a second. But to essentiallyremove DRM you would have to reverse engineer the addon. Older DRM is easy to remove, It really depends on how it is implementedand how embeddedthe code is.
Quote:Is there a way to find scripts that forcesv_allowcsluaor do I have to go code through the code looking foranyhtinglike that? ......
Unfortunately,you will have to comb through every inch of code to find it. Some are obvious. others can be Very well hidden.
Quote:But basically the code you listed was for a player to join my server and use that command and change their rank and to possibly ban everyone right? but codes like that could be used for more malicious intent.
When the player types the "obvliously_not_a_backdoor" into con it will run the function that calls both"player" and "set usergroupto x" this is a very very basic iteriationof this. but it indeed does exactly what you said. the player now has admin and can do whatever they want (ie banning everyone)
and yes of course they can be used for more malicious intent (i.e. wiping sql, fucking up your settings, gaining Rcon access)
Quote:Sorry for all the questions I am new to this and I want to get a better understanding so I know how to look for suspicious coding.