If you're looking for a nice looking, editable, multi-language supported, material themed F4 menu. Look no further than https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/5873 (Biased opinion)
sF4 Menu offers many features, such as:
Pleasing material design; Lots of flat shadows; All seven darkrp tabs: jobs, entities, shipments, weapons, ammo, food and vehicles; Collapsible Categories; Configurable extra tabs that open websites; Lots of pleasing animations; Commands in the dashboard; Staff list in the dashboard, clicking on their avatar will open their profile; Comes with 39 different colours out of the box (you may add or remove colors to your liking); Different colors selectable by the end user (customizable in the config, you can also restrict them to specific user groups too); The end user may reajust the UI size to their liking; Multi language support and self-translateable. You may have different players using different languages; Click on the job model to switch between them when there are multiple of them; Much more minor details.
sF4 is a module of sKore (Comes when purchasing). Allowing it to change theme across all modules (say you create a new one, all themes/language/scaling will be applied to the modules aswell). You can also scale the UI to whatever you want and also change the language to one of the following: English, Polish, Swedish, Danish, French.