Addicted Wrote: I did last night, but I went with her.
Ever go without her? Behind her back?
Doing something behind your Bf/Gf is not good. If she/he finds out it will be hard for them to trust which leads into relationship problems.
She went to a party behind my back and I got told. Now is it right if I cannot trust her or...
Is this the first thing she has done to you? If so, give her a second chance to prove herself.
No it's not to be honest.
Her two friends come down from Nottingham, UK and she wanted me to come see them, I did and she wanted me to stay at her house, she left me outside her house whilst she fucked off till three in the morning and I had no money, I had no battery on my phone and couldnt get home.
I got ran over and she just fucked off to the cinema whilst my best friend acted as my girlfriend at the time.