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Submitted by MrRanger, , Thread ID: 118558

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25-01-2019, 09:50 PM
[Image: Banner-shop-1200x631.png]
MFPS 2.0 is a advance multiplayer first person game kit for start develop your own online fps game, this kit include all the basis and some advance systems that all multiplayer shooter require, this game kit is very polished, using last Unity technologies with high efficiency and performance, great and professional UI using UGUI, player mecanim animations, you have a lot of options to customize to your taste and needed, usingPhoton Unity Networkingas network solutions, you have 3 different game modes in the core of kit: Free for All, Team Death Match and Capture the Flag also have 4 player classes that you can modify to your taste, 6 different kind of weapons: Rifle, Sniper, Shotgun, Pistol, Grenade and Knife, AAA graphic options, easy customizable, full C#, is much more made this kit one of the best for online fps development in the world.

Feature List:
  • 3 game modes: Team Death Match, Free For All, Capture of Flag.

  • Player team system

  • Private and Public match

  • Player Class, 4 kinds of players Class with different characteristics (Assault, Enginner, Support, Recon)

  • 6 different kind of weapons: Rifle, Sniper, Shotgun, Pistol, Grenade and Knife

  • Advanced weapon system

  • Damage Indicator.

  • Lobby chat

  • Team selection and Auto-Team selection

  • Fire types (Auto, Single and Semi-Automatic)

  • precise synchronization of bullets and positions

  • Fall Damage.

  • Player room kick

  • Server statistics, total players, total rooms, ping

  • Health regeneration option

  • KillFeed Corner (WhoKilledWho)

  • Score board

  • Room time limit

  • Head shot detection.

  • Bullet trail option.

  • Max Kill room limit

  • weapon Fov option in play time

  • Max allowed player ping to join in a room

  • Draw Name Above Head.

  • Player footstep.

  • Graphic menu settings

  • Multiplayer in room chat

  • Smooth weapon Movements when is running

  • Weapon pick up system over network

  • Throw gun after death

  • Ammo and medic kit throwing

  • Kill Camera

  • UGUI Crosshair

  • Animated Hit marker

  • Spawn hand effect indicator

  • Friendly fire options

  • Switch team in mid room

  • AAA Graphic

  • Graphic menu settings

  • High performance

  • Full C# clean code

  • documentations:https://www.lovattostudio.com/documentations/mfps2/

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