overall, i would say yes. I think the game inherently has interesting mechanics (building and editing are what make the game worth playing, in my opinion). watch tfue play solo against a squad and you'll see some of the appeal of fortnite. what is unappealing about fortnite are the updates issued by epic that cater more toward the more casual fans of the game. most competitive games are balanced from the top down (in terms of skill). but fortnite seems to be balanced in a way only epic logic can foresee -- and sometimes it seems to make 0 sense. these things, plus random events involving zombies, planes, ziplines, combined with the inherent RNG of the game can create for a pretty frustrating experience. if you try to find the good in the game, it can indeed be fun to learn. see this video for example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGA6Djkzbt8&