I did everything.. everything worked right. But tell me how does it work. Now, i have added 5 accounts, and i got my points, linked my instagram profile, and got my followers. Then i tried again, linked 20 accounts, but have that in mind(I made 20 accounts, with some shits like: (Email: [email protected], Password: apsdji). Ok?.Ok. After i linked these 20 accounts and leaved the bot. Then automatically the bots launches itself. Im closing it, launches again. Im closing it, launches again. Im going to my Windows Task Manager, and what do i see. Maybe 10- Maybe 20 Maybe 30 processes with the name vtope-something. I deinstalled the vtope bot. And i dont know what to do. I will create another account , cleaning everything. And starting over. But tell me, what exactly do i need to do? Mabye the trick with the dumb accounts dont work anymore? Or something like that? I dont know why for me it didnt work, only the first time, where i added 5 accounts, Today im checking, and those 5 accounts got red mark, but i got the points? How does it work? Why the second time didnt work?. Contact me on PM, or here by quote. And explain me once for all, how does this work, and how everytime should work. Thanks.
Sincerely, Shaple
EDIT 1: After reading it more, i understood, that i should give real accounts?. But how? I need to create one thousand accounts ( I NEED TO CREATE THEM AND THEY HAVE TO BELONG TO ME?) or i can continue adding dummy accounts like (Email: [email protected], Password: asdasdasd)