DMT Experiences

Submitted by BuddDwyer, , Thread ID: 122771

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RE: DMT Experiences

Junior Member
27-02-2019, 05:54 AM
27-02-2019, 04:40 AM
dom1nno Wrote:
I would really love to try DMT. But I am just too scared to try it. Where I live, it is not that hard to get but my friend who is one of the biggest dealers in my city, he told me he tried it once and that he wouldnt recommend it as its something that will change you completely if you have a bad trip. He told me that he knew people who had bad trips on DMT and it was like if their soul left their bodies and they were never the same after that experience.

I dont know if its true if he is saying the truth but since then (when he told me about it) Ive been just to scared to try it.

I did feel a complete separation from reality when I blasted off, but it wasn't scary. I haven't done it since because it took me a long time to mentally prepare myself for what I was about to experience. I had to have a really good week before, a really good day before I did, and a lot of meditation to just prepare. But that short period of time where I wasn't in my body was amazing. I got to experience something a lot of people dont even know about.

In my experience, it was almost therapeutic in a way. It helped me a lot. Gave me a better love for myself and the world around me. I wouldn't try it if you are scared. It's only for people who want to try it, not if they are iffy on the subject.
accepting credits in return for my friendship.

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