Garry's Mod

Ideas and tips for a new server

Submitted by KlausAD, , Thread ID: 122282

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RE: Ideas and tips for a new server

02-03-2019, 06:51 PM
This post was last modified: 02-03-2019, 06:53 PM by KlausAD
22-02-2019, 06:47 PM
SaberEnterprise Wrote:
Make it unique! Too many servers out there are copying each other & just dull overall. If your ever considering being staff instead of owning a server contact me.

staff of what exactly?

23-02-2019, 06:19 AM
noahtheboah36 Wrote:
Let me tell you this. Gmod servers for darkrp or starwars RP always do one thing terribly, especially nowadays, so I'll put it out there bluntly:

Please try something new. Don't fit the mold. Don't have Jedi and fifteen different effing battalions that are all identical. Instead, maybe try having the entire server be a single battalion and their various special troops, instead of having separate battalions that are each specialization. Use squad tactics, encourage roleplay. Even a semi-serious server should have serious elements to it in their training. Having people run in circles around the hangar for three hours and practice saluting and turning around doing "faces" to join an "elite" battalion is honestly the worst thing ever.

In fact, don't bother running semi-serious. There's too many semi-serious RP servers out there. Either go full serious RP, or if not, make it clear that the game is not really so much of an RP as a co-op shooter game where you run around and kill droids or whatever the hell else you want to do.

Alternatively, I was lucky enough to be part of an experiment where the players played as droids instead of clones. If you really don't want to break doctrine, maybe try something like that: be the bad guys for once instead. Could be itneresting.

thanks i will keep it in mind

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