This add-on adds a hand-held detector which displays any detectable object on its screen. Handy for finding traps or hidden money printers! Features:
Battery: Walking around with this thing on your hand forever would be too easy, so the detector features a battery which can only be recharged when the tool isn't active!
Beeping sound: Like a metal detector, this detector will beep faster the closer you are to a detected entity!
Light emission: Blue light comes from the detector's screen, good for dark areas!
Very small performance cost.
Features a custom view/worldmodel when held.
Easy installation; plop into the addons folder, restart the server and start detecting stuff.
Extensive configuration in the weapon file, weapon_sh_detector/shared.lua
The add-on should work on most gamemodes. It should work on TTT as well but needs some configuration. Installing Just shove the folder contained in the zip to your addons folder, add the material files to the FastDL (if Workshop setting is off, why would you do that though?) and restart the server