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Is the earth flat? lmao

Submitted by Kumin, , Thread ID: 106799

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RE: Is the earth flat? lmao

10-03-2019, 12:05 PM
21-11-2018, 10:42 PM
rbnz0 Wrote:
It can't. If curvature is real (its not), then how come we can dig straight tunnels?

Edit: downvotes? Really? News flash: the earth is flat. If it wasn't then why don't flat boards roll around when you put them on the ground? Try this: put a golf ball on top of a basketball. What happens? It rolls off. Now take the same golf ball and put in on the ground. Does it roll? No. It stays in place. If the earth was round, there would be no golf tournaments.

Double edit: are you ignoramasses serious with the downvotes??!??? NASA has been playing you all for fools. Look into the distance. Does it fall off? No, it doesn't. I am a student of the earth. I've been "around." Look at mars is it a globe? No, it's a flat circle. The sun? A flat circular light. Educate yourselves.

triple edit: ok, I'm done. Clearly, no one here knows science. I'll ELI5, as you people like to say, so that maybe you'll learn a thing or two. First: Gravity. What happens when you drop something? It falls down. If everyone on a sphere were to drop something, would things would fall down? No, they'd roll around or bounce off (see my previous edit about basketballs and golfballs). Do the things you're dropping fall towards one another? Are they magnetized towards eachother? Obviously not. So then how could a sphere exist? All the stuff would be falling in the same direction (hint: its called 'down'), not at eachother. Second, Newton. This was a guy who thought he could turn lead into gold. We now know that lead is poisonous. So this guy was fooling around with it and going nuts. Third, planes. This one's obvious to anyone who's been on one. If the Earth was a sphere then a plane trying to fly from America to China would be having to turn their wings down or they'd be flying off into space. Ohhh, what's that? You're starting to get it. Now for the 800 lb Gorilla in the room. Fifth, the edge. "If the Earth is flat then there must be an edge. Where is it?" I'll tell you. If you walk to a cliff, you either jump or walk away. The government monitors the edge and pushes anyone off that's seen it. This has been going on for millennia. That's where all the news stories about people jumping off cliffs come from. They don't want us seeing everything else that's out there because they'd be having to stop everyone from leaving since whatever else is out there is probably pretty cool. Look, I'm trying to be scientific and open minded, but at this point, with all the celebrities coming forward, I think its time that we acknowledge the very reasonable idea that all the governments of the world have, for most of recent history, for whatever reason and despite the millions of people it would take and despite all the wars against one another where it might become advantageous to 'spill the beans' on their enemy and despite the tremendous cost such a secret would take to keep, concocted a scientific model that has also conformed with all easily testable techniques for centuries in order to perpetuate an unknowable goal that has become the only thing humanity has agreed on. That makes sense to me. *drops mic*

copypasta dont get triggered


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