funnybeno Wrote: Im main support or dps with moira, ana, lucio, hanzo or pharah. Do you guys have any tips on how to get out of gold?
Yeah, if youre good at dps, play it as much as you can. Dps can really carry out of gold because team fights are so disorganized. kill healers first if you can, especially mercy because gold players rarely look to deny res. Also while playing dps something i like to do is keep track of who is really carrying the enemy team. Is it a really good healer? or is their mcree destroying our team? If so try to target that player. But dont throw everything away just to do that. stick with your team and when the chance presents itself take the player out.
Comms are also great. Stay positive, dont feed the flamers. mute toxic teammates or enemies. Try to stay focused on the game and the enemy team.
You can try ult tracking, but its not that important to get out of gold. but if you can call out when theres game changing enemy ults up like a rein, zarya, or even dva, then that would help a little. Maybe your front line or supports will be more prepared to react.