
This is the third season in a row that Ive gotten to one win away from gold

Submitted by Impulsive, , Thread ID: 103399

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RE: This is the third season in a row that Ive gotten to one win away from gold

21-10-2018, 07:45 AM
I find the best way to rank up is to group up as a 3 man using the group finder feature. All 3 of you must be able to flex to at LEAST one hero in all 3 hero types.(Tank/Heals/DPS) You must also constantly check the enemy team and call out counters, and above all, YOU MUST HAVE A MIC. It irritates me profusely when people join comp without joining team chat, or having a mic. There is literally no excuse. My first mic cost me 67 cents with tax, as I bought used. I didn't know if it worked until after I bought it and tried it. 67 cents. You can get a decent brand new one for $15-20. So if you don't have a mic start there. If you have a squeeky voice, or sound like you are under 16 you will be mocked, but play your card rights, call enemies out, and you will sky rocket.

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