
Chromebook - Worth the buy?

Submitted by OnlyTechNation, , Thread ID: 104251

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RE: Chromebook - Worth the buy?

Active Member
14-11-2018, 10:27 AM
Chromebooks are fine if all you need to do is web browsing and whatever Google Drive can do (or other Google Cloud services.) Anything beyond that and you're better off getting a laptop.

09-11-2018, 12:59 AM
juckerlol1549 Wrote:
Chromebooks are garbage. Microsoft Surface's are garbage. Macbook Pros are garbage.
Anything that tries to cater to a certain niche of computer user is generally garbage.

That's not to say they don't all have their place, but you can get all the same functionality of any of the above listed products for less money in another product.

Chromebooks are actually great for the price, as long as all you're using it as is a note-taking or facebook machine. Crouton can get you a linux distro as well if your book has enough power.
Surfaces are actually quite good as well, if Mac isn't your thing. The newer ones might have a relatively high price point, but they have decent power too. And you can't beat the form factor.
Macbooks are the go-to for anyone in the creative industry. Everything just werks™ and latency with the tech is absolutely minimal.

Don't know why you'd say they're all garbage. People care about more than just raw power.
Oh, and by the way, I saw a few cost analyses a while back, if you bought the parts individually for an iMac or Macbook Pro, the price would be nearly the same as just buying the device altogether, maybe 150$ off the mark. So cost-efficiency isn't really a good argument here.

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