Call of Duty

Is Black Ops 3 Worth It?

Submitted by Treckor, , Thread ID: 13336

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RE: Is Black Ops 3 Worth It?

Fulltime Member
27-11-2015, 05:23 AM
27-11-2015, 05:12 AM
Treckor Wrote:
27-11-2015, 03:28 AM
Horizon Wrote:
I AM A HUGE CALL OF DUTY FAN!!!!! I have been with the franchise pretty much since the begining. Blackops one and two were some of my favorite games in the series. I could play those two games over and over again and not get bored. To be honest, This game campaign wise was very weak. I am a huge achievment hunter so i have had to play missions quite a few times and i still dont ompletely understand the story line. Besides the story, the campaign is fun to play because of the customization and abilities. All on in all, if you dont care about story line then it is worth the buy, but the story does not tie the other two blackops games together at all really. They also added an unessisary difficulty to the game called realistic. It is honestly about as stressful as World At War on verteran. It is doable, but takes time.

After the campaign is finished, You unlock a game mode called nightmare mode, this is honestly soooooooooo pointless to play. Basically all they did was change all the enemys to zombies, Switched the mission order, and then retold the story.

The Multiplayer is pretty much the same as Advanced Warfare so if you didnt like all the jumping around and jet pack aspecs, dont get it. Its honestly not worth it if that is the case. In multiplayer you get to pick your character which can be a plus or minus depending on the player. I personally dont like it because the multiplayer challanges do not carry over between characters. (EX: If you are playing as one character and you get 100 kills with an AK, When you swap characters, your kills with that AK will be 0)

IF YOU LIKE ZOMBIES GET THIS GAME!!!! Zombies is definitely the highlight of this game. If they elaborate on this game aspect, this game will be very succsessful because it would be worth the buy. I could play this for hours on end.

So my final breakdown for Call of Duty: Blackops 3 IS about a 6/10 It feels like just another thrown together Call of Duty game kind of like Ghost. The campaign didnt do it for me, the unnessisary nightmare mode, the multiplayer is allright, the only good thing about this game is the zombies game mode.

Is it worth buying?

If you are a die hard Call of Duty fan, this game is worth getting, but it will probably be a little bit of a dissapointment to you. For those of you who are not that big of fans of the game, SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!!! wait for the price to come down or dont get it at all.

Since I myself is a HUGE Call OF Duty fan, I will give this game a thumbs up but thats really the only reason.

Thank you for the feedback! I am a huge zombies fan so I might just have to get it!

27-11-2015, 03:28 AM
Natsu Wrote:
I 100% think you should purchase it. Black Ops 3 has been hype as fuck, but I guess it's based on your personal preference.

I just want to say that the Thrust Jumping is solely used for getting to higher levels as in second stories and to get on wall runnings.
The mechanics in this game are amazing, and the graphics are fucking insane on PS4 and PC. You should definitely grab it in my opinion, i'm sure you'll have a lot of fun.

Thanks for letting me know! I think I probably will get it.

If you get it makre sure to gift me one copy :noh:
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