League Of Legends

hey guys i play nasus really well

Submitted by dragonbreath567, , Thread ID: 164628

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RE: hey guys i play nasus really well

Junior Member
01-05-2020, 03:32 AM
28-03-2020, 04:04 AM
dragonbreath567 Wrote:
but like i always get pushed into tower and i'm great at farming i'm legit a plat nasus

im smurfing currently and i've always had trouble in gold because of the following

anyway as im farming under tower my junglers always want to gank at level 2 or level 3 and then again at 45678 etc because my opponent is always pushing

and even when i tell jungler not to gank they gank

and like i just have a two autoattacks and a wither at early levels and maybe an e that does like 40 damage after resistances and people always go way too ham and die under tower getting outplayed or they overextend and then get low and then the other jungler surfaces and my jg gets killed

how do i convincemy junglers to stay the fuck away from my lane without pissing them off

As a Dia3 Euw main mid and that also plays a lot of top:
If it's not a darius (lol) and if your jungler is strong enough to gank early like a lee/reksai/elise/etc... You actually WANT a gank because you kill him. It really depends on a lot of factors but you don't want a gank everytime and you don't want to tell your jungler to fuck off everytime either. Just try to learn when you can and when you can't kill him

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