
Happy Anniversary - Nulled is now one year old!

Submitted by Aoki, , Thread ID: 16825

Thread Closed
15-01-2016, 03:47 AM
Happy birthday Nulled!
Today is the day. Exactly today, the forum is one year old.

Statistics of this year
Some people always seem to be interested in statistics, so your wish has come true today.
To be honest, I'm really proud of these statistics. Why?
  • We never merged with any other community.
  • We never spent a single cent on advertising nor did we actually advertise anywhere.
  • All this was built from nothing, just with a bit of SEO work and optimizing.
If someone comes yelling at me that advertising is important, go fuck yourself, you can see it's not.

  • Posts: 129,363
  • Threads: 16,053
  • Members: 4,635
  • Resources: 7,998
  • Reports: 1,458
  • Thread views: 2,167,542
  • Posts per day: 341.28
  • Threads per day: 42.35
  • Members per day: 12.23
  • Posts per member: 27.91
  • Threads per member: 3.46
  • Replies per thread: 7.06
  • Members who have posted: 45.89%
  • Most posts a day: 1,848
  • Most threads a day: 973
  • Most registrations a day: 39

What's coming up this year?
We've planned a lot of great features and new stuff this year. The biggest change will be the third version of Nulled, which brings:
  • A new improved theme, which will also work on mobile phones.
  • New credits games
  • A new third upgrade
  • A ton of other features such as profile customization and much more.

Thank you

I'd like to say thank you, to every person who took the time to sign up. Some even signed up twice or thrice. :^)
A big thank you goes to:
  • Sozin - You're one of the most talented developers I've seen. It doesn't matter which ideas someone brings up, you've it done within hours. I'd love to continue to work with you side by side in future. Over the time, we became a pretty good team together and Nulled wouldn't be the forum it is today without you.
  • Pulseeey - For always holding nulled online and making our setup as fast as it currently is. Without you, hate, anger and insults wouldn't exist in the skype chat. Continue with that, retards need that.
  • Faded - You're probably the best staff member a forum can have. You're doing everything right and you lead people to the right way. I think everyone on here likes you and that's why you're the leader of the staff team.
  • Blaze - I've known you for probably 6 years now and you're the nicest person I've met on the internet. You're pretty quiet most of the times but you're always doing your work. Thank you.
  • cute - You recently joined the staff team and I'm thankful that you're here. You know what you're doing and I'm looking forward to work with you together.

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