
Update on how to embed images

Submitted by Pulseeey, , Thread ID: 16941

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The Mandingo Man
17-01-2016, 12:53 AM
Hello all you fine creatures, except Faded. He's not fine.

As you probably didn't notice, embedded images can nowhave funky encodedURLs. This is because you have not embedded them as https, either because your image host doesn't support it or because you couldn't be bothered. In this case, another server proxies the image and caches it with Cloudflare so it doesn't affect our SSL compliance.


If you already embed images withhttps, don't worry about this.

If you use ahost like Imgur but don't embed usinghttps links. Don't worry also, it will just convert your links to https for you instead sending it to a proxy. This will become the case for the majority of hosts out there in the near future, we have to populate a list of supported domains first. :noh:

If you know any popular image hosts (or file hosts thatsupport direct image viewing) that support valid SSL/HTTPS, please message me them.

To check a host, upload an image and go to the imageURL. If it's already https, great. If it isn't, change it to https and see if you can view the image with no security warnings. The https in the URL should be green.

In the event a smart boy (or girl?)out there uses an IP logger disguised as an image, and attempts to boot the proxy. Don't worry, all images are cached with Cloudflare. Only newly added/embedded images will not be shown. This doesn't affect the forum, it's a totally different server. Oh and it's bound to happen, people still try to attack our mail server.:spooky:

If it does cause a problem, it'll just be disabled until I can be bothered looking at it. So please, if you're a skid.. Leave it be for a while so I can chill yh? many thanks.

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