Gaming Discussions

How To Hack PS4 To Play Pirated Games /Clone the Console Nand

Submitted by A, , Thread ID: 17588

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30-01-2016, 04:32 PM
The following process will clone a PS4 NAND and subsequently any games installed on the 'Donor' PS4.
This method does work an infinite amount of times, there is no limit to how many times an NAND can be cloned, so no doubt we will soon see the appearence of pre loaded PS4 NANDs for sale if Sony do not patch this method!

Note: I nor Se7ensins do not condone piracy or online modding, this tutorial is for educational puposes only, no downloads are supplied so please do NOT ask!

To perform the cloning process you could use either Teensy ++ 2.0 or a Raspberry Pi to create NAND dumps which you will then need to compare with PS4 AC1D Flash Tool.
It is also worth noting that messing with a NAND can result in the bricking on your PS4.

How To Clone PS4 NAND:

Connect a PS4 to PSN and download games, for this tutorial we will call the main PS4 the 'Donor'.
Connect the console that will become the clone Console to PSN and create the account (Donor Console) enable sharing and download the games.
Dump the Clone consoles NAND several times to compare them.
Connect the clone console to PSN again and disable sharing
Write the dumped NAND back to the clone console
Put the PS4 into safe mode and repair the console database.

Works on firmware 2.50

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