League Of Legends

After 2K+ hours spent, I'm probably leaving this game for good.

Submitted by heltonyan, , Thread ID: 193289

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10-01-2021, 08:39 PM
I can't take it anymore. Since Riot was bought by Tencent, the game got progressively and exponentialy worse.
I don't really know if Tencent is the one to blame, but the latest decisions Riot has been making really seems like corporative greed.

I've been playing since 2016, and since then, I only played top lane.
Top Lane was always the most diverse lane: you could play one game against a Pure Tank, and other game against Teemo, and this is really engaging for a player like me.
I got really into mastering one champion at a time, playing only 1 champion hundreds of games until I knew how to play every matchup.

Through the years I've mastered (in respective order): old Maokai, Singed, old Yorick, old Mordekaiser, old Kayle, old Aatrox, old Volibear, and most recently Udyr.
Reading this section of the post, you probably already understand why I'm quitting the game. Every champion I've ever played got reworked to oblivion, destroying what made the champion so great. And the ones who didn't receive a rework yet, are on a completely unplayable state.

I've been able to keep up with the changes along the years, and since I've started mastering Udyr (last 3-4 months), I had to COMPLETELY change my build path, skill max order, gameplay strategies, and runes at least 7 times.

Which is really frustrating, because champions like Darius, Yasuo, Yone, Sett, Illaoi, Kled, and any other generic Conqueror - Trinity champion on the top lane have not changed the playstyle ONCE since it's release. I have to come up with the most retarded, unorthodox, troll build to even be able to do SOMETHING with my champion, while others have the same overall relevance every patch. And when Riot decides to 'fix' my problem, they rework the champion to CRAP.

I've been sending tickets to the company since Mordekaiser's deletion, and they said that "they're really sorry I didn't like the rework, but the game is changing directions" or any BS like that. And they're not wrong: the game has reach the ultimate power creep.

Releasing 4 champions per year is toxic for the game, they have to make the new champion stronger than the last, to make it relevant, so they can sell skins. Great designed champions like Ivern are never getting released again, because they're too well balanced to get the community engaged. This is a cycle that will repeat into oblivion, until they release a champion with 360 degrees Wind Wall, 2 second dashes, On hit procking Katarina ult with 2 second cooldown, Knock Ups, Ranged and Melee poke. Oh, wait, thats Samira.

I miss the time when the game was an evolution of Warcraft 3.

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