League Of Legends

Lux Main

Submitted by LaxStream, , Thread ID: 194994

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RE: Lux Main

The King
22-01-2021, 11:59 AM
This post was last modified: 22-01-2021, 12:02 PM by ShadesTheMan
What's there to understand? I think out of all the champs she has to be the most straight forward champion in the game.

Her Q (Light Binding) is literally a skill shot stun and it hits up-to 2 enemies and roots them for 2 seconds.

Her W (Prismatic Barrier) is pretty much a shield - She tosses her wand/staff and it shields people that it passes through on the way and on the way back. Pretty much a Boomerang Shield

Her E (Lucent Singularity) She sends a big AOE (Area of Effect) to a certain direction on the ground and its pretty much a circle and if you are inside that circle you are slowed and if you press the ability again you can cast it again and it does damage.

Her R ( Final Spark) Just shoots a massive laser beam in the direction she's facing.

Her Passive (Illumination) is the most straight forward thing in her kit. You do damage to people with your abilities and they are marked and they have a glow on them for 6 seconds and if you basic attack them it does Bonus Damage.

She's quite a squishy mage but HUUGE DAMAGE if you get ahead or just play safe. You can make big plays to help your team with landing crucial stuns and shielding correctly. (And that stuff just comes over time of having experience)

Could play her in two roles. (Mid Lane or Support Lane) there both viable and it's personal preference.

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