Minecraft Leaks

? LobbySystem 2 | Hub System | [1.8.8 - 1.17] ? 1.1.9 , 1.2.0 , 1.2.2 and 1.2.3

Submitted by THEGames, , Thread ID: 211119

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Junior Member
01-07-2021, 11:47 PM
This post was last modified: 31-03-2022, 10:52 PM by THEGames
From this version on you will see all the updates here!

Tested Minecraft Versions: 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17
[Image: 7672e1beb5519d70ad6b524b9434b633b05f44a4...Header.png]
LobbySystem 2 is one of the largest LobbySystems available on SpigotMC.
The System offers everything you need for a Professional Lobby.
The first impression of the Server is in the Lobby, convince new players with your LobbySystem.
[Image: 15686e92f75bc26cfde3b7cb96d2a6c5278c429e...ntions.png]
The main intention of LobbySystem 2 is to provide the players with everything they need.
So that it doesn't get boring in the Lobby, there are also Gadgets, Effects, Pets and much more.
Many of the above Items can be purchased using our free CoinsAPI Plugin.
Developers can use the CoinsAPI to assign Coins to players in other Minigames, so
players in the Lobby have the opportunity to buy Gadgets, Effects, Pets and much more.
But this Feature is also available for Server owners who have no idea about development.
[Image: 0b47a7d89f1f87cc357e4cd02c3769764c194bc8...atures.png]
LobbySystem 2 is not just a simple LobbySystem.
It also has some cool Features to make it stand out from the other solutions on the market!
The most special Features are listed here.

Extremely many Settings - So many Settings were never available in a LobbySystem!
Change Messages how you like, adjust Item prices to your
liking, rename Items to your liking and much more Settings.

Everything is saved - The LobbySystem saves the Settings of the Players on a MySQL Database.
If there are several Lobbies, the same Settings will always be loaded.
These include the Settings, purchased Items, Pets, Effects and more.

Integrated Shop - Our Integrated Shop offers the Player cool stuff like
Gadgets, Effects, Pets and much more to buy with their Coins.

Daily Reward - There are two different daily Rewards, one
for regular players and one for players with specific Permission.

Version compatibility - Your server is on version 1.8.8 or 1.17 no problem!
LobbySystem 2 works from version 1.8.8 up to 1.17.

Compatibility with other Plugins -
- Friends, EpicFriends, Party and Friends
- TimoCloud, CloudSystem.iO, CloudNet v3
- EffectBoots

Easy Setup - Typing commands is a thing of the past.
Enter your Server, open the Setup chest and get started.

Premium Support - LobbySystem 2 is updated regularly so that you can receive fixes and improvements quickly.
Found a bug or want to suggest something ?
Don't hesitate to contact us and you will get the response in the next 12 hours!
The Support is provided in English and German.

Inexpensive but professional - LobbySystem 2 is extremely cheap for it's quality and Features!

A complete list of the Features is here:
- Heads
- Pets
- Mounts
- Effects
- Gadgets
- Build Mode
- Scoreboard
- Tablist (Custom Editable)
- Chat (Custom Editable)
- No Rain
- Actionbar (Custom Messages)
- Navigator (Teleporter)
- Jump pads
- Player Hider
- Warp System
- Double Jump
- Void Teleport
- Player Settings
- Lobby switcher (With Permission Lobbys)
- Only BungeeCord (No Multiworld Servers)
- Easy Setup
- Customizable MOTD
- Customizable Items, Slots, Names and more
- Compatible with other Plugins
- Shield (Launches other players nearby)
- Silent Lobby
- Block commands like /plugins, /ver and more
[Image: f062257b8c62ee49f5c028407f2cc0cf9548b3a7...ssions.png]
/LobbySystem List all LobbySystem 2 Commands.
/SetWarp Set a Warp.
/DelWarp Delete a Warps
/Build Activate or deactivate the Build mode.
/Help Displays a custom message in the chat.

lobbysystem.build To run the /Build command.
lobbysystem.admin All rights for the LobbySystem.
lobbysystem.usechat Chat only with Permission
lobbysystem.checkupdate To receive update Notification.
lobbysystem.shield To get the Shield item.
lobbysystem.silentlobby To get the Silent Lobby Item.
lobbysystem.doublejump Double Jump only with Permission.
lobbysystem.nohide Not to be hidden by the VIP Hider.
lobbysystem.bypassshield Not to be knocked off the Shield.
lobbysystem.rewardpremium To collect the VIP reward.
lobbysystem.premiumlobby To enter the Premium Lobbys.
[Image: ac8b673b8a589c58024c1224936315ec0979f162...lation.png]
For successful startup, LobbySystem 2 requires:
Java 8 or newer.
Two MySQL Databases.
The Plugin CoinsAPI.
A Server for the LobbySystem. (non cracked server)
A SpigotMC Server with version 1.8.8 - 1.17
1. Download the Plugin after buying it and drag it to your Plugin folder.
2. Now restart or start your Server.
3. Now open the LobbySystem 2 folder in your Plugins folder and open the License.yml.
And now read what's in there.
4. Next you enter your MySQL Database in MySQL.yml.
5. If your Server is under version 1.12, please check all items in the configs.
Because there are some items under 1.12
that did not exist under 1.12 or were called differently.
(If you are using 1.17 ignore this step)
6. Now return to the Plugin folder and open the CoinsAPI folder.
Now enter your MySQL Database in MySQL.yml. (Not the same as the LobbySystem)
7. Now restart your Server and check in the console whether everything was successful.
If so, enter the Server and start the setup.
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