Minecraft Leaks

SkywarsReloaded Extension | New PlayAgain Feature! | Kit Menu Editor | NPCs |

Submitted by Calvineries, , Thread ID: 228213

Thread Closed
11-12-2021, 06:16 PM

A super fancy in-game kit creator/editor menu!
AutoJoin/PlayAgain feature for automatically joining new games.
Supports Skywars parties
Auto mode (1 hour)
One-time rejoin
/autojoin OR /playagain
Lobbyboard interval updater.
A new '/swkit delete' command
A new '/swkit edit' command
A new '/swkit list' command
A new '/swkit create' command
Specific arena join using a command
Overrides join item actions of the SkywarsReloaded plugin
NPCs (depends on Citizens)
NPC creation command
Random solo join
Random team join
Random join
Import any world using a command
Rename an arena using a command
Automatically legacy loads when importing
Open the join menu using '/sw join'
Creator and DisplayName setter command for maps are supporting spaces
A '/leave' command to easily leave a game
A '/sw send' command to send players to a game
Player option selection command '/sw select'
Automatically select game options from the previous game
AdditionsPlus Events integration (requires v2.4.0 or higher!)
PaperSpigot Support
Citizens NPC integration
Commands And Permissions

/sw join sw.join - Allows you to open the join menu/join a random game/send a message.
/sw join [arena] sw.join.arena - Allows you to join a specific arena.
/sw join solo sw.join.solo - Lets you join a random solo arena.
/sw join team sw.join.team - Lets you join a random team arena.
/sw select [type] [selected] sw.select - Lets you select a specific player option. In this command is [type] the option type (such as glasscolor) and [selected] the option you want to select.
/sw send [player] [arena] sw.send - Sends other players to a game.
/sw createnpc [action] - Creates a NPC using Citizens. The action could be either RANDOM_JOIN, RANDOM_SOLO_JOIN, RANDOM_TEAM_JOIN, OPEN_MENU or OPEN_CUSTOM_MENU

/swm import [world] sw.map.import - Lets you import a world into Skywars as an arena. It does the legacy load itself, so do not use the legacy load command again.
/swm creator [map] [creator] sw.map.creator - Lets you set the creator of the map. This overrides the actual command. This one allows you to use spaces in the creator's name.
/swm name [map] [name] sw.map.name - Lets you set the display name of the map. This overrides the actual command. This one allows you to use spaces in the display name.
/swm rename [map] [new mapname] sw.map.rename - Lets you completely rename an arena, including world and other files' names.

/swkit create [name] sw.kit.create - Lets you create a new kit with the fancy new kit editor menu.
/swkit edit [name] sw.kit.edit - Lets you edit a kit with the fancy new kit editor menu.
/swkit delete [name] sw.kit.delete - Lets you remove a kit.
/swkit list sw.kit.list - Shows a menu with a list of existing kits. Clicking an item in the menu will open the fancy new kit editor menu.

/playagain now sw.autojoin.now - Lets you instantly join a new game (only possible when a game has ended to prevent ragequit).
/playagain auto sw.autojoin.auto - Lets you automatically join a new game within 5 seconds after you die/game ends. Expires in one hour.
/playagain cancel sw.autojoin.cancel - Lets you cancel your auto PlayAgain if enabled.

/leave sw.quit- Lets you quit/leave an arena/

You can disable the auto-vote feature in the configuration file.
Permissions for auto-selecting the following options:
sw.autovote.chest : Chest voting
sw.autovote.health : Health voting
sw.autovote.time : Time voting
sw.autovote.weather : Weather voting
sw.autovote.modifier : Modifier voting
sw.autovote.kit : Kit selecting

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