Garry's Mod

New and IN-DEV DarkRP server

Submitted by fartrick, , Thread ID: 259711

10-02-2023, 08:02 AM
if anyone of yall are bored and just wanna come check out my new DarkRP server it would be cool :D its my first server and still in development so only about 26 jobs or something like that, but got nice printers/printer rack, OG meth cook, best weed growing addon, trashman job, got wire with some restrictions, accessory store, title store, calling cards/emblems/soundstracks and more. Still got lots more addons/ideas for the server and could use some help with job recommendations and whatnot. Just testing the waters first to see if i can get a small "community" online before i go toooo hard with the server for just my lonely to play on it xD
Still got lots more to do/add to server so keep in mind this isnt a COMPLETE SERVER YET!

Server is SeshRP -

I still have lots of things id like to do to the server but first i think i need to settle down and try to get a small community going. Might give VIP to like first 5 people who join or something?? New to this all but if anyone wants a place to chill without trolls/cancer and potentially even want to help create a server/community that you enjoy to be apart of <3

shamless plug sorry i dont like promoting stuff but its my first server and only had one person join and leave 5 seconds after loading right when i made server public haha. So far its got about 26 jobs, gun and vape shipements, printers/printer rack and stuff like that so its technically playable haha

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