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CSGOFast SCRIPT Code - Don't get scammed into paying money for it

Submitted by hanna1992, , Thread ID: 38071

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22-06-2017, 10:17 PM
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This is just the tradebot.js file,usually people use that file to scam some other guys who dont really know about development, and they just wanna set theyr own CS:GO Site.

The dropbox link with it seems to no longer work, and I've had multiple people ask me for the file ever since I've mentioned I still have it, so I figured I'd post it for anyone else who wants it. I strongly recommend against using this code for your website but is really nice to take a look and understand how things really works.

I am just putting this here for people to read the code and to be able to easily recognize leaked code you've been scammed into paying for. If you're looking for an actual website you're better of writing it yourself from scratch or dropping several hundred to thousands of dollars on hiring someone to do so.

Hope you enjoy it, take a look at it and tell me what do u guys thing. The link is in Google Drive, is just a file what u can read from there.

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