MyBB Tutorials

MyBB Inline Moderation Fix

Submitted by havasu, , Thread ID: 43402

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Junior Member
09-08-2017, 05:26 PM
This post was last modified: 09-08-2017, 05:27 PM by havasu
I apologise if this has been posted before - I just know how frustrating it was to find a fix for it when I first came across this problem, so I've decided to post it here so it is readily available.

For some reason, when installing new themes, MyBB's inline moderation tends to break and displays this error on use:
Quote:Sorry, but you did not select any threads to perform inline moderation on, or your previous moderation session has expired (Automatically after 1 hour of inactivity). Please select some threads and try again.

This is easily solved by doing the following:
  1. Log into your MyBB admin control panel.
  2. On the left side, you should see a category called "Quick Access", in that category, click the "Templates" button.
  3. Next, select your current active template, if you called your template "Custom" you would click "Custom Templates".
  4. Scroll down right to the bottom until you see "Ungrouped Templates", to the right of this, click "Expand".
  5. Look through the list until you find "headerinclude".
  6. Once found, click options and select "Full Edit"
  7. Scroll down to line 74, press Enter to add a new line and add the following:
var cookieSecureFlag = "{$mybb->settings['cookiesecureflag']}";

If you have any questions - feel free to contact me via private message or add my Steam which can be found in my signature.

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