Bot Of Legends Leaks

Database of all BoL scripts

Submitted by Sozin, , Thread ID: 5794

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Nan Ihier Gelair Mordor
07-07-2015, 05:48 AM
I didn't see this posted anywhere, I searched for it, no results, so please tell me if this has already been posted.
Here is a database of all the bol scripts that are active/working, not made by me. If they are not working, it will say that. Most popular and best scripts have alot of likes which is the number at the far right of the column. Not only that, but by clicking the "Others" tab, it will show you useful utilities like orbwalkers, evade scripts, awareness scripts, etc.
Screenshot of what it looks like :
Link :
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How to download
1. Find a champion you're looking for a script for.
2. You can either scroll through the list OR type the first letter of the champion ex: Ashe so type "a".
3. Click on the champion, then find the script that best appeals to you and press "View".
4. Find the download link in the topic.
This hidden content has been reported as not working 0 times this month.
1 times in total
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