Minecraft Leaks

AnimatedNames 3.9.0

Submitted by FlappyBird, , Thread ID: 65999

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20-12-2017, 03:15 PM
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[Image: c250d71c2b7c9397ee0295eb9faa64a8a7818853...review.gif]
Recommended refresh speed is 15 ticks. However I advise animations of 20 ticks. You can go lower depending on your server hardware (IT WILL NEVER LAGG YOUR SERVER, but it can cause slight flicker)
[Image: 7c4a6a112a475e0346799f1ed3a2efc74fb110f2...eview2.gif]
[Image: 0266f1cadb585f66ef5534bced244555f1d7bc31...eview3.gif]
In this image you can see it is possible to use faster animations (prefix is faster then suffix) but I don't OFFICIALLY recommend it[Image: clear.png]
As you can see in the tablist due to the fast changing animation you see a slight flicker in the name 'Maximvdw' (it turns white for a split sec)
This supports the Tab Plugin (to enable turn off tab-colors in the config and restart)

SpoilerTongueerformance using this animation

[b]Test it live@

[Image: adc0542f175d2e7db51d3308941d1276f17f46d2..._about.png]
Everyone knows nametag right? A plugin that adds a prefix and suffix to your name and everyone knows the scoreboard under the name (bit boring if it isn't relevant information). This plugin enhances both the prefix, suffix and the scoreboard under the name.

[Image: 35bdfc9eb0c384f4bcbacf5f6d2d849725169acc...nation.png]
You have 3 options you can configure.
  • An animated prefix that can be whatever placeholder(s) you like that is not larger then 16 characters(includes color chars)
    This can be an animation you create yourself line by line or a preset effect (for fast prototyping)

  • An animated suffix that can be whatever placeholder(s) you like that is not larger then 16 characters(includes color chars)
    This can be an animation you create yourself line by line or a preset effect (for fast prototyping)

  • A scoreboard under the player. Every placeholder that is a number can be shown. You can even loop through multiple stats or placeholders. The text behind the score(number) however is static for every player.
    It is not possible to use textual placeholders under the name. I removed this feature due to lack of performance and being buggy.

  • You cannotchange the name itself (only prefix/suffix/name below)
The prefix and suffix can be configured multiple times in different groups so you can give Administrators different animations then normal members.

I give a great deal about performance. In the past I made a lot of plugins that did cool things,.. but I would never use them myself since I don't have the best hardware out there. TitleMotdAdvanced, Tab, ActionBar and this one are plugins that are focused on performance rather then features (despite having a lot of features).

Keep in mind that there are some limitations:
- Invisibility potions will hide the player but not the name tag (this is a minecraft issue I can't fix)
- The name itself can't be changed
- The prefix/suffix name below applies to all players with that name. This incudes NPC's.
- The name below will appear on all players and npcs
- The number below is always white and has a space behind it
- you can't use multiline effects in name below
- Only Spigot or CraftBukkit are supported
- GGServers is not supported for an issue they do not want to fix. It will give you startup DNS errors. Same may apply to other cheap shared hosts
- You can not change the order of the tab or add other items in the tab list. Ordering is done alphabetically by the minecraft client
- As mentioned above already (but once more) the score below the name consist of a white number in front and a static text that applies to all players at the back (so don't use placeholders that are player specific)
- As mentioned above already: The score below the name can not be altered meaning you can't use color codes or effects.

Q: I get MVdW scoreboard errors when using bungeecord
A: This means the connection between your bungeecord proxy and server is too slow to handle the network load of the animation from all players. Try lowering the interval or disable the name-below if solving the speed is not an option.

- MVdWPlaceholderAPI 2

  • Have a color rainbow name (by putting a color as prefix)

  • Show factions name in front of name (or behind)

  • Show towny name in front of name (or behind)

  • Show mcMMO levels or XP under the name

  • Show Factions power level under the name

  • Show GriefPrevention claimblocks count under the name

  • Show how many times the player has played under the name

  • Show VoteParty votes under the name

  • And lots more numeric placeholders...
What makes this plugin worth the price?
  • Those who know me from other plugins know that I value performance. This plugin won't cause lagg even with higher refresh intervals due to a 3 level refresh cycle that will prepare packets of animations on demand.

  • There are no such plugins out there that animated it like this

  • Lots and lots of placeholders to choose from. I know the size is limited but most placeholders are useful for the score or as prefix,suffix.

  • Good support. Those who've seen me or requested features/problems on other plugins know that I try my best to reply as fast as possible and in case of a bug to fix it as fast as possible.

  • Future updates. I am not going somewhere[Image: clear.png]

  • Continues testing both with computers as people: I hire people to test plugins in 'strange' ways (black and whitebox testing) on mayor updates. Also all my plugins are continuously checked with the latest spigot versions to notify me of any problems.

  • Tab support: A lot of plugins in 1.8 do not show the prefix in the tab. I understand that in time they will update but its worth mentioning.

  • Delivering something that looks simple from the outside, but is big when you open it. I try to make to the configs of all my plugins look the same (even if that makes it harder to implement it for me) just because I find it useless to create a different config for a plugin that looks similar from the outside (the thing the user sees)

[Image: 1640a90899f89d1e2ee4de3daef4979bfbc81896...ssions.png]

Code (Text):

description: Reload the configuration
default: op
description: Show plugin help
default: true
description: Upload log
default: op
description: Upload config
default: op
description: About the plugin
default: true
description: List all permissions
default: true
description: Reset the configuration file
default: false
description: Default group
default: true

View attachment 11267

Main command: alias for /animatednames about

/animatednames about
Show the version information. ALWAYS give this version when reporting errors.

/animatednames uploadconfig
For the lazy ones this will upload the config (config.yml) to pastebin.
ALWAYS give this config when reporting errors.

/animatednames uploadlog
This is a SIMPLE log about the plugin it will upload that simple log to pastebin. It is recommended to still send the logs from the console rather then this log!

/animatednames resetconfig
Did a missile blow up your config (we all know it was you[Image: clear.png]) then use this to reset it.

/animatednames permissions
This gives a list of all default permissions in the plugin (commands, etc..)

/animatednames help
Shows a list of all commands. You can configure the help in the language file.

/animatednames reload
Reload the config and animations. You MAY notice a small 'out of sync' in the scoreboard under the name for the first 3 seconds. Always use this rather then reloading using plugman (What is not supported)

[Image: 79efecf863d121e716db3740b107fe457f4a0d1d...ration.png]
The configuration for the animations is divided in two parts. At first you have the different groups for prefix and suffix animations (or static text if you prefer) and under those groups you can configure the score that is applied to ALL users. Group weight is based on the position (top bottom).

There is no way to sort the tablist, meaning changing the priority/weight of the groups in the config won't do anything.

Code (Text):

# ------------------------------ #
# AnimatedNames 6
# © Maxim Van de Wynckel
# ------------------------------ #

# About: Everyone knows plugins that allow you to have your group name
# in front of your name above your head. But this plugin does more then that
# with over 180+ placeholders and more to come every update this plugin not only
# allows placeholders in your name above your head but it also allows the name to
# be animated.

# Permissions: To use the animatednames groups give them the permission
# animatednames.group.<group> (ex. animatednames.group.default)
# Make sure to remove them from the other groupsd
# when giving a new permission.

# Commands: List of all commands
# /animatednames reload - Reload the configuration
# /animatednames help - See all commands

# Variables: These variables can be used in the TEXT section
# of both the header as the footer.
# {PLAYER} - Player name
# {PLAYERNICK} - Player nickname
# {PREFIX} - Player prefix
# And lots lots more (see Spigot Page) (400+)


## Config version (DO NOT EDIT)
config: 4

## Language file
lang: 'en'

## Debug mode
debug: false

## Log to file
enabled: true

## Update checking


# Placeholder settings
# Force install all placeholders (NOT RECOMMENDED)
force-all: false
# logs the memory usage of placeholders on startup
log-memory: false
# Clear unused placeholders that are not enabled.
clear-unused: true
# Config cache only
# This will only use placeholders in the config
config-cache: false

# Legacy mode. Disable this if you experience client crashes (bungeecord mostly)
# Disabling will however use the build in name system what can cause conflicts
# (White names, etc...)
legacymode: true
# If you have issues with non-legacy mode try this option. The option is more CPU intensive,
# but it is meant to detect problems
synchronized: false
# Setting this to true will keep tab names untouched
# Useful for those who do not want to change tab names but
# only the names above.
# NOTE: This shrinks the tab name by 2 chars
# so if you have a long name it becomes shorter
# This may also break nicknames in the tab
white-tabnames: false

# Disabled worlds. Worlds in this list will not have
# the score below or team names.
- 'example_world'

# WARNING: The recommended interval for this plugin
# is calculated at 15 ticks (recommended 20 ticks)
# You can experiment with lower ticks but this might
# cause a slight flicker.

# AnimatedNames groups
# An AnimatedNames group is a group you assign to a player (or permission group)
# using animatednames.group.<GROUPNAME>
default: # This is the default group. Add as many as you wish
# Prefix in front of the player name above their head
# A list to create animations
frames: # Text can be max 16 characters long (after placeholders are replaced)
# {PREFIX} will be replaced with the PERMISSION prefix (Vault)
# Meaning if your permission prefix is "[Mod]" it will show this
- '{PREFIX}'
# Animation interval in ticks (20 ticks = 1 sec)
interval: 100
# The display name above the player head (default {PLAYER})
# A list to create animations
frames: # Text can be max 16 characters long (after placeholders are replaced)
- '{SUFFIX}'
# Animation interval in ticks (20 ticks = 1 sec)
interval: 100
# A list to create animations
frames: # Text can be max 16 characters long (after placeholders are replaced)
- '&4[&cAdmin&4] &c'
# Animation interval in ticks (20 ticks = 1 sec)
interval: 100

# Text below your name above your head
# Set to false to disable the name under name (REQUIRES RESTART)
enabled: true
# A list to create animations
# Make sure that the placeholder is numeric!
# You have to put a number or numeric placeholder in the beginning
# or else you will get a "0" in front.
# This also means you can't have colors in front. The number is a set
# color you can't change.
- '{HEALTH}&cHealth'
- '{STAT_TIMESPLAYED}&6Times played'
# Animation interval in ticks (20 ticks = 1 sec)
interval: 20

When using inheritance you will have to negate previous groups in order to only have on group available.

Language file(s):
The plugin allows multiple language files in the /lang folder. If available the language messages from the client language will be used (when a langauge file in that language is available)

[Image: d77b0d217208a7eb72eb5ebbfe81e968d54de180...olders.png]
Spigot does not seem to like the amount of placeholders on one single page... So this is a link to a wiki page with all of the placeholders.

Keep in mind that not all test placeholders are continuously tested. Please keep in mind that we get a lot of placeholder requests, so it can take several weeks to add them. The bungee placeholders are only tested to work on Bungeecord, not other variants like lillypad or redisbungee.
Placeholders are mostly made for the latest version of each plugin. (e.g. Factions 2.7 < (and not 1.6), ...). Placeholders of abandonned projects will eventually be removed (or not added). New placeholders are added depending on the amount of requests or the effort put into by the placeholder resource author to make it easy for me. IF you request a placeholder this does not 100% mean I will add it, usually there are queues of a few months before placeholders are being added.

Also keep in mind that placeholders could be removed if support for them is dropped by the author.

Some placeholders such as permissions and economy that are handled with Vault can cause issues with plugins that are not 'digital'. Mainly with economy plugins that do not use a digital currency. This is not an issue I can fix.


[Image: b07b6c7c4b38081bb29e37884cde149be659fb41...ffects.png]
You can basically create any effect you like. But if you want to make quick or more advanced changes you can use these formatting tags


[Image: 652428d4a73ad01ec6d2c705f6e50b2cb5694215...er_api.png]
Add placeholders to this plugin or any other MVdW Placeholder plugin.

[Image: 134e5fc4a8e6f9c9da34e9dff41e598d9ad8867b...er_tos.png]
By downloading this plugin you agree with our terms of service

You may use this plugin on 1 server or network only
    • Describe errors. Don't just say "it doesn't work"
    • Use /animatednames uploadconfig to get a pastebin link of your config when reporting errors
    • My timezone is GMT+1 (Just so you know) Do not start spamming me on 3am in the morning asking why I don't reply within 10 minutes
    • Once bought you will get future updates for free. Keep in mind that purchases are linked to only one spigot account. You will only receive support when asking with that account and we will not transfer purchases on bans or to alternative accounts (since that is against spigot rules).
    • New features/placeholders/effects are only added when the amount of requests are enough. The review section is not a place to ask for questions or features.
    • The review section should not be your first resort to seek support.
    • By buying this resource you agree that you know the limitations and requirements written above and that you have read the whole description at least once. This contains but is not limited to the requirement to have an internet connection available.
    • You are responsible for what happens to the plugin after downloading. Accidental distribution or leaking will not be used as an excuse. You are responsible for the security of the plugin. When a leak under your name is found you will immediately be removed from the buyers if an update is incoming and the plugin will be disabled. Next a report will be made on spigot that can lead to a permanent ban.
    • SLA: I get around 70 support requests a day, due to this the minimum response time is set for 48 hours to a max of 10 days for smaller problems. Keep in mind that during the summer I may be on vacation (this will be noted at least a month beforehand on the plugin page). I will announce vacations a month beforehand. Feature requests are noted but not immediate replied to until research or implementation starts
    • Support is only given to the account who bought it. Support to "friends", "developers" or "co-owners" will not be given.
    • By purchasing you agree to use Freshdesk for support. I will not answer any PM's, discussions, threads, @tags, skype or profile posts..
    • Things that are clearly explained in the description will not be replied to on tickets.
    • If you want to use this on multiple networks contact Maximvdw on freshdesk. Price for additional networks remains $8/network

Q: I get the MVdWXX message when I join

A: This occurs when the connection between your bungeecord and normal server is too slow (network lagg). Check the interval speed.
If the error persists delete the scoreboard.dat in the worlds data folder


  1. Test the default config

  2. Learn the default config see how it works, play with the values

  3. Found a problem? ALWAYS usehttp://mvdwsoftware.freshdesk.com/. It may be a bug but it can be misconfiguration so make sure to add the CONFIG and possible error logs.

  4. Have an idea or feature? Submit it: Most accepted features (that can be done fast) are placeholders

  5. Do you like the plugin? Leave a rating it helps[Image: clear.png]

  6. Want to help improve the plugin? PM me your experience (timings, config, animations you made ,...) I want to know these things so I can base my placeholders, preset animations ,.. on things people actually use.Do not use skype for support as I rarly look at it

  7. Are you a developer? Check out the APIhttp://dl.mvdw-software.be/manuals/SpigotAnimationPluginsDevelopersGuide.pdf

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