Minecraft Leaks
Bank Cheque
Submitted by Lennyest, 25-11-2017, 04:46 PM, Thread ID: 62145
Thread Closed
Tested Minecraft Versions:
This plugin will allow you to issue a bank cheque from your economy balance. By default, a bank cheque is issued in the form of a minecraft paper. The check will have its monetary value and issuer's name on it.
Whoever hold this check can redeem it by right clicking it.
You can also use "beautify" option to specify the format using "k, M, B, T, Q, P,..." in case you need to support large amount of $ amount (such as in an OP prison server).
Command: (alias: /bank, /cheque)
Just put BankCheque.jar file in the plugins folder.
Vault plugin for economy support.
- 1.7
- 1.8
- 1.9
- 1.10
- 1.11
- 1.12
This plugin will allow you to issue a bank cheque from your economy balance. By default, a bank cheque is issued in the form of a minecraft paper. The check will have its monetary value and issuer's name on it.
Whoever hold this check can redeem it by right clicking it.
You can also use "beautify" option to specify the format using "k, M, B, T, Q, P,..." in case you need to support large amount of $ amount (such as in an OP prison server).
Command: (alias: /bank, /cheque)
- /bankcheque help : displays this help menu.
- /banckcheque reload : reloads config file.
- /cheque <amount> : issue a cheque with <amount>.
- right-click a cheque : deposit the amount on the cheque into your account.
- /cheque issue <player> <amount> [from]: issue a cheque with <amount> to <player> (optional: from [from]).
- bankcheque.withdraw : allows you to withdraw $ from your account to issue a check
- bankcheque.deposit : allows you to cash the cheque.
- bankcheque.issue : allows you to use issue command.
Just put BankCheque.jar file in the plugins folder.
Vault plugin for economy support.
msg: "=== &e[&aBankCheque Commands List (%version%)&e] &r==="
msg: "&a/cheque help : displays this help menu."
msg: "&a/cheque reload : reloads config file."
permission: "bankcheque.reload"
msg: "&a/cheque debug <true|false> : turn on / off the debug mode."
permission: "bankcheque.debug"
msg: "&a/cheque <amount> : issue a cheque with <amount>."
permission: "bankcheque.withdraw"
msg: "&a/cheque issue <player> <amount> [from]: issue a cheque with <amount> to <player> (optional: from [from])."
permission: "bankcheque.issue"
msg: "&aright-click a cheque : deposit the amount on the cheque into your account."
permission: "bankcheque.deposit"
ErrorMsg : "&c[BankCheque] Some error occured."
ChequeCreated: "&7A Bank cheque for &b$%dollar% &7has been issued"
ChequeDepositted: "&a+ $%dollar%"
InsufficientFunds: "&cInsufficient funds available."
InvalidNumber: "&cInvalid nummber"
NoPermission: "You do not have a permission to do this."
InvalidCheque: "This bankcheque is invalid! and it has been removed."
LessThanMin: "The amount you specified is less than the minimum allowed amount of $%dollar%"
NoSlot: "There is no slot to hold a bankcheque."
MoreThanMax: "The amount you specified is more than the maximum allowed amount of $%dollar%"
NoSuchPlayer: "&c[BankCheque] No such player &e%player%"
# an option to add enchantment glow to the issued cheque
UseGlow: true
# Bankcheque
Material: PAPER
Name: "&bBank Cheque"
- "&7$%dollars%" # make sure the money amount is in the 1st line!
- "&7Issued by %player%"
- "&7Click to Deposit"
MinimumWithdraw: 10
MaximumWithdraw: 5000000000000000
UseBeautify: true;
MaxCharLength: 4;
# the folloiwngs are units of order.
- k
- M
- B
- T
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