You are free to have this leak but bear in mind, it's not mine, so don't bother me if the links/program/source/whatever stop working. I take no responsibility of this, use at your own risk. ~Sozin
Today i tried to play with BoL. I found that BoL isn't injecting correctly. And i know why...
So i decided to make tutorial about custom BoL injection: Video: Download Injector: 1. Untick "Inject BoL" in BoL client 1. Drag and Dropbengine.dllin injector 2. Select process name "League of Legends.exe" 3. Launch League Of Legends and when game starts click "Inject" button
Do not let your difficulties fill you with anxiety, after all it is only in the darkest nights that stars shine more brightly. - Ali(a.s)
Developer( PHP, Python, C++, HTML+CSS, JS I am available for Hire. Message Me for details.