AIO Support Center is powerful, but easy to use ticketing system for your WordPress site.
AIO Support Center 2.0 is out, bringing long awaited features such as:
Cron tasks
Ticket creation via e-mail (for registered users only)
Customers have ability to reopen their own tickes
?Awaiting reply filter to help you manage tickets easier than ever
and many more (checkchangelog)
Before updating, please seeChangelog 2.0.
Multiple user rolesthat are not depending on WordPress roles
User-friendly interfacefor both staff and customers
Responsive & detailed ticket preview
Pre-made repsonsesfor staff members to make their life easier
Auto-Responderswith custom e-mail templates
Plenty of dynamic tagsto use while building your e-mail templates
Extendable Plenty of Add-Ons to come!
E-Mail Piping Let customers post replies to tickets by directly replying to auto-generated e-mail addresses. (checkrequirementsto make sure you can use this feature on your hosting)
Translation Ready meaning you can easily translate plugin using .po & .mo files.
and many more!
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