About Tumder Tumderis an arcade gaming platform, similar with Miniplay that implements powerful features, a complete administration panel, catalog feed with+1000, users profiles and ranking system.Easy to install and fast. Requirements
GD Library
PHP 5.4 or higher
SQL strict mode disabled
1 MySQL Database
Tumder features
Responsive design ready
Installer setup
Social media share
Carousel with new games
User menu
User profiles with configurable theme and avatar
Favorite games and XP points system
Sections: new games, featured games, and most played
Community with users ranking by XP points
Categories section
Earn XP points by play, report game or register
Multi language system
Games rating with stars system from admin panel
Powerful admin panel
Platform stats
Ads system
Games feed and catalog by game providers
+3 Games catalog with +1000 games included
Full screen mode
Categories system
PopUp and Toast alerts
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