I want to make an offer to all people interested on this thread.
I will create you a ransomware with customization.
Pays only on BTC.
What I need to create a ransomware for you?
- Selected preset
- Additional things to add
- The name you want for your ransomware
- Your message when the ransomware GUI appears
- Your BTC wallet (or another crypto wallet)
- Amount that need the victims to pay
- Custom icon (send me your .ico only for Strong and Error presets)
- Additional filetypes (only for Strong and Error presets)
- Custom encrypted file extension (default is .locked only for Strong and Error presets)
- GUI colors (only for Error preset)
Here are the prices:
[$50] Basic Ransomware:
- Custom name
- No icon
- Creates a decryption key
- Custom encryption message
- Max file size to encrypt 8MB
- Basic filetypes to encrypt
[$125] Strong Ransomware:
- Custom name
- Custom icon
- Creates a decryption key
- Custom encryption message
- Max file size to encrypt 16MB
- Basic filetypes to encrypt + 8 of your election
- Custom encrypted file extension
- Delete shadow copies
[$235] Error Ransomware:
- Custom name
- Custom icon
- No encryption key
- Custom encryption message
- Max file size to encrypt 64MB
- Basic filetypes to encrypt + 16 of your election
- Custom encrypted file extension
- Delete shadow copies
- Custom GUI (Background color, heading font color, primary font color and secondary font color)
- Open GUI on login
- Disable task manager
- Custom destruction time (Defaults 72h)
Additional things to add (optional):
- Max file size to encrypt 128MB [+$5]
- Max file size to encrypt 256MB [+$10]
- Max file size to encrypt 512MB [+$15]
- Max file size to encrypt 1024MB [+$25]
- Max file size to encrypt 2048MB [+$40]
- Max file size to encrypt 4096MB [+$60]
- Max file size to encrypt 8192MB [+$80]
- Max file size to encrypt 16384MB [+$120]
- More filetypes to encrypt + 32 [+$20]
- More filetypes to encrypt + 128 [+50]