

Submitted by This Name, , Thread ID: 270446

This Name
04-08-2023, 10:47 AM
This post was last modified: 05-08-2023, 01:41 AM by This Name

I want to make an offer to all people interested on this thread.
I will create you a ransomware with customization.
Pays only on BTC.

What I need to create a ransomware for you?
  • Selected preset
  • Additional things to add
  • The name you want for your ransomware
  • Your message when the ransomware GUI appears
  • Your BTC wallet (or another crypto wallet)
  • Amount that need the victims to pay
  • Custom icon (send me your .ico only for Strong and Error presets)
  • Additional filetypes (only for Strong and Error presets)
  • Custom encrypted file extension (default is .locked only for Strong and Error presets)
  • GUI colors (only for Error preset)

Here are the prices:


[$50] Basic Ransomware:
  1. Custom name
  2. No icon
  3. Creates a decryption key
  4. Custom encryption message
  5. Max file size to encrypt 8MB
  6. Basic filetypes to encrypt

[$125] Strong Ransomware:
  1. Custom name
  2. Custom icon
  3. Creates a decryption key
  4. Custom encryption message
  5. Max file size to encrypt 16MB
  6. Basic filetypes to encrypt + 8 of your election
  7. Custom encrypted file extension
  8. Delete shadow copies

[$235] Error Ransomware:
  1. Custom name
  2. Custom icon
  3. No encryption key
  4. Custom encryption message
  5. Max file size to encrypt 64MB
  6. Basic filetypes to encrypt + 16 of your election
  7. Custom encrypted file extension
  8. Delete shadow copies
  9. Custom GUI (Background color, heading font color, primary font color and secondary font color)
  10. Open GUI on login
  11. Disable task manager
  12. Custom destruction time (Defaults 72h)

Additional things to add (optional):
  1. Max file size to encrypt 128MB [+$5]
  2. Max file size to encrypt 256MB [+$10]
  3. Max file size to encrypt 512MB [+$15]
  4. Max file size to encrypt 1024MB [+$25]
  5. Max file size to encrypt 2048MB [+$40]
  6. Max file size to encrypt 4096MB [+$60]
  7. Max file size to encrypt 8192MB [+$80]
  8. Max file size to encrypt 16384MB [+$120]
  9. More filetypes to encrypt + 32 [+$20]
  10. More filetypes to encrypt + 128 [+50]

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