I literally just used DarkRP for a template of other RPs. Go to (Wherever your DarkRP folder)>garrysmod>gamemodes>darkrp>and edit cl_init.lua and init.lua to name your RP whatever you like. This is mostly for RP gamemodes though.
RE: Developing a custom gamemode
23-12-2018, 05:03 PM
This post was last modified: 23-12-2018, 05:05 PM by Knight
I recommend to watch code blue tutorials and download some leak gmod addons and you can try understand the codes if you dont go to gmod wiki all comamnd have mean and explanation its be right way if you have problem you pm to me
Look into other addons to begin understanding the file system and reading the lua code. Watch tutorials on youtube. Create a Hello World addon to begin. I myself am more of a visual person so coding is something I will never figure out but I had to do it in rare cases.